Recognizing and Navigating Credit Theft in the Workplace (Taking Credit Series 1/2 )

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you put in the hard work on a project, only for someone else to take credit for your efforts?  It's an unfortunate scenario that can be demoralizing, but there are effective strategies to set the record straight and address this issue.

This article will delve into common ways credit can be unjustly claimed, and the next one will explore strategies to respond effectively.

Common Scenarios of Credit Theft:

1. Peers who Share your Ideas.  Picture this scenario - you share your innovative ideas with peers, and they either remain silent or attempt to discourage you.  Later, in front of leadership, one of them presents your idea as their own, which is well-received, and they are now put in charge of the project.

2. Colleagues Omitting Credit for Your Work.  When collaborating on a project, a coworker presents to leadership and consistently uses "I" instead of "We" without mentioning your contributions.  It can be frustrating when you added just as much, if not more, and because they were the face of the project, they assumed all the credit, even if you were the more prominent behind-the-scenes player.

3. Boss is Taking Credit For Your Work.  Imagine spending weeks developing a strategy, only for your boss to present it to his leadership team as his own without acknowledging your contribution.  They were even on PTO during part or most of the planning process and were not really clued into all the details, yet they were the mouthpiece for the plan. What’s most egregious is that you only learned that they presented it as their own and gave you no credit when you had a conversation with his peer about getting promoted and they responded that you needed to strengthen your strategy-setting muscle.   You are baffled because you just built the whole strategy for the next year so you conclude that your name was not attached to your body of work.

Credit taken is quite common in politics.  Representative Pete Stauber voted against Biden’s bipartisan infrastructure bill in Nov. 2023.  Yet months later, in January 2024, he bragged how excited he was to have received funding for Minnesota’s 8th Congressional District to improve 29 airports without saying where the money had come from.  He aimed to take credit for other people’s hard work by bragging about something he was directly against.

4. Ideas Taken During Meetings.   You may start to share an idea in a meeting, only to have your audience initially overlook it.  Later, another person repackages and presents your idea as their own, receiving a positive response from the attendees.  Something similar to this situation happened recently with one of my clients; she was the idea’s originator and brought in partners along the way for others to pitch in on small areas when needed. During one meeting, when she was presenting, one of the partners spoke up and added information and ended up assuming control of the meeting because all the future questions were directed to him.  He provided the answers like he had been working on it from the beginning, even though he led only a small part and was not the overseer and was brought in well after the projects started.

5. Appropriation in Professional Networks.  Entrepreneurs and independent contractors may face this in a professional network group that aims to support each other.  You may be sharing some ideas, perhaps, a workshop you want to run, and you want to get feedback from the group.  You later learn that your peer has packaged that program and started offering a version on their website without your permission. This feels hard because a lot of trust has been betrayed; you offered your ideas to get supported and not copied for others to profit.   Or, if you are doing an exercise on defining your mission and niche and others have shared their first draft and they seem really unclear, then you share yours, which is well articulated and thought out and you realize as the program continues, people are now using your niche because your work has influenced their thinking.  This can be quite frustrating because you put so much time and effort into getting clear on your authentic messaging and having it on your website, and they come in and try to take some of that language and shortcut the process for themselves.

6. Ideas Taken in Interviews.   During interviews or proposal submissions, you share ideas on workshops you want to deliver with the hiring manager. You do not get hired for the job but later learn that big pieces of your presentation were used by their internal team to deliver the content and exercises. It almost felt like the meeting was taken just to get fresh perspectives on what to do with no intention of procuring an outside contractor.

7. Diminished Introductions by Others.   Sometimes, peers or colleagues may introduce you in a reduced capacity, downplaying your role or contributions to a project.  I had a client who was running a project and was designated as the primary liaison for the visiting CEO.  Her peer who initially received the CEO introduced my client in a reduced capacity, basically saying she was helping to take care of some local logistical pieces even though she had a much bigger role. She has been misrepresented, and I would love to correct the record, but I do not want to seem petty.

Credit theft in the workplace is an unfortunate reality that many individuals face. It occurs for various reasons, ranging from insecurity and competitiveness to a lack of awareness about the importance of giving credit where it's due. By recognizing the common scenarios in which credit theft occurs, we can better prepare ourselves to respond.

Quote of the day: "Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not." - Oprah Winfrey

Question: Do you have examples of when somebody took credit for your work?  How did you respond?  Comment and share your experiences below; we’d love to hear.

The next blog in this series 2/2 will focus on strategies for reclaiming credit after a robbery. 

As a leadership development and executive coach, I work with leaders to communicate effectively including strategically self-promoting, contact me to explore this topic further.

Has somebody taken credit for your ideas? What did you do?

Elevate Your Team’s Success (Self-advocacy series 7/7)

In addition to ensuring your contributions are visible, consider doing the same for your exceptional yet often unnoticed teammates and colleagues, particularly those who belong to underrepresented groups.

Let's explore ways to highlight other’s work:

1. Acknowledge Their Achievements. Recognize your teammates' accomplishments through thoughtful gestures such as gift cards, congratulatory lunches, or public acknowledgments on a Kudos board. When you celebrate their successes, you not only incentivize continued excellence but also convey their value to the team. Leadership Author Kevin Cruz highlighted that this recognition can significantly enhance performance and engagement.

2. Invest in Their Professional Development. Encourage and support your team members’ professional growth.  Provide opportunities for training, workshops, or courses that can enhance their skills and knowledge. Investing in their development benefits them, strengthens the team's capabilities, and advances the organization.

3. Provide Stretch Assignments. As a leader, identify your team members' strengths and assign them tasks or projects where they can showcase these abilities. Matching skills to opportunities for growth can profoundly impact their careers.  Columbia Law professor Alexander Carter shared a story of when all the lawyers from her class got together one month into their jobs to give talks.   The professor in the back of the room pulled her aside and let her know she was a fantastic speaker.  She said she would like to put her on a committee that gives legal presentations, and that allowed her to have so much more practice, which led to her incredibly successful career.

4. Offer Them Visibility with Leadership. Invite your teammates to meetings with you to increase their exposure. In leadership gatherings, amplify your team's voices and ensure their ideas receive proper credit. For example, you can say, "Jill's innovative approach to this event significantly improved employee satisfaction and connection. Jill, could you elaborate on this?" Or, “Bill came in with the winning idea that helped us gain the client’s trust.  Bill, can you share your strategy?” This practice elevates your team's contributions and highlights their significance.  You can take it a step further and put them on a substantial project so they can play a significant role by presenting to the executive team.

5. Endorse Them Privately.  Even when they are not present, endorse your teammates to your peers by discussing their achievements and sharing valuable insights your team has gained from them. Reference their ideas and represent their perspectives to contribute to their credibility. Incorporate any testimonials from key stakeholders or customers to reinforce their reputation.

6. Share Credit on Projects. Always acknowledge the team members who contributed to a project's success. Similar to the acknowledgments in a book or an Oscar winner's acceptance speech, emphasize that your success is a collective effort. Mention how your team played a pivotal role in making this happen. People appreciate success stories more when credit is attributed where it's deserved.

7. Express Appreciation of Your Team to Your Boss. When your teammates excel, send appreciation emails and consider copying your boss. This practice not only recognizes their accomplishments but also highlights their value within the team. 

8. Publicize your Team’s Efforts on Your LinkedIn.  Randelle Lenoir, VP Branch Leader at Fidelity Investments is a pro at this.  After speaking to her mentor, she set a goal for herself to post one thing on LinkedIn each week:  a photo of the team doing important work, a recent win they collectively had, or just an individual achievement.  One of the most popular posts was when a younger member held his certificate and announced that he had just passed his series 7 exam.  She usually has good engagement with other team members, chiming in during the celebrations. The impact this has had is that she has developed a pipeline of great people who want to work for her because they see how excellent the culture is.  This allows her to be agile in creating movement for current members, if they want to move on and do something else, she can pull from her waiting list.

By implementing these strategies, you can actively contribute to the success and recognition of your team members, creating an environment where everyone's contributions are acknowledged and celebrated. 

Quote of the day. "Great things in business are never done by one person; they're done by a team of people." - Steve Jobs

Question. How do you effectively promote your team?  Comment and share below; we’d love to hear! 

As a leadership development and executive coach, I work with leaders to communicate effectively including strategically self-promoting, contact me to explore this topic further.

How do you promote your team’s successes?

Shifting Perceptions for a Promotable Future (Self-advocacy series 6/7)

If you find yourself passed over for a promotion but are determined to enact meaningful changes, there are effective strategies to shift perceptions and prepare for future opportunities.

According to Carol Kauffman, Founder of the Harvard Institute of Coaching, there can be a significant time lag between making behavioral improvements and others recognizing these changes, especially if prior behavior was viewed negatively. This transition can take several months, even up to a year. In cases where you've been labeled as challenging, stubborn, or self-centered, it may feel as if you're trapped in this perception.

Here are actionable steps to signal your growth and alter the way your supervisors and colleagues perceive you:

1. Promote Your Growth. Just as companies announce forthcoming product upgrades or service enhancements, market your efforts and substantiate your transformation with evidence. When a retail store undergoes renovation, they immediately inform customers, display a "coming soon" banner, and provide glimpses of the improved storefront or layout. You can apply this concept by openly sharing your personal development goals so they can begin to collect evidence to support those changes.  If you've received feedback about missing deadlines, communicate your commitment to meeting all deadlines without reminders.  If your manager sees you as someone who avoids problems instead of solving them, and you quietly change your behavior but don’t communicate what you are doing, they may not notice.  You can offer comments to show your proactively, such as, “I’m working on this challenge and maintaining full ownership until it is resolved. Here are some steps I’ve already taken; I’ll circle back when there is more to convey.”  If the same challenge arises in a larger team meeting, you can jump in and share that you are on the case and offer one thing you have done and your next step so they see you as having a good grasp of the situation.  You can also be diligent in your written communication.  If an email is sent to you and your manager, it is helpful to respond as soon as possible, letting them know you are on top of it and offering some next steps so they restore faith in your abilities.  When you alter your underlying behavior and showcase it, you start to create a new reputation. 

Bradley Cooper embarked on a similar issue of altering his reputation.  He is famous for being an incredible actor with hits like American Sniper and the Hangover Series and has received numerous academy awards, and is one of the highest-paid actors.  While his reputation was strong as an actor, he felt underutilized and wanted to Direct so when he pitched A Star Is Born to Warner Brothers, it was a big leap.  He got the job, received many Oscar nominations, and is widely recognized for being much more than a skilled actor.

2. Consistent Demonstrated Behavior. Consistently demonstrate the desired behaviors or qualities that you want others to perceive in you. For example, if you want to be seen as a proactive problem solver, consistently take the initiative to address challenges and find solutions. Send email updates without reminders to inform others of what’s going on. Over time, your actions will reinforce the new perception you're aiming for.

3. Demonstrate Leadership. Take on leadership roles and responsibilities within your organization or community. Leadership positions often have opportunities to showcase your abilities and qualities to a broader audience. Being a proactive leader who leads by example can change perceptions about your capabilities and potential for growth. 

3. Seek Feedback. Actively seek feedback to keep your changes at the forefront of others' minds. If you are working on improving your meeting management skills, engage your colleagues by informing them of your objective and requesting their input. Afterward, follow up with them to gather feedback on your progress. Regularly checking in on your goals will make others more aware of your efforts.

4. Seek Mentorship and Role Models. Seek mentorship from individuals with the qualities or skills you want to be known for. Learn from their experiences and let their guidance help shape your behavior and mindset. Having role models can provide real-life examples to emulate and inspire positive changes in how others perceive you.

5. Evaluate Alternative Paths.  In cases where the gap in perception seems insurmountable or when you lose motivation to change the situation, consider exploring new opportunities elsewhere. Sometimes, a fresh start in a different environment can offer the best path to advancement.

By focusing on these strategies, you can effectively change how others perceive your professional skills, capabilities, and potential.  

Quote of the day: “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Question:  How do you best shift perceptions? Comment and share below; we’d love to hear from you.

The next blog in this series 7/7 will focus on promoting your team. 

As a leadership development and executive coach, I work with leaders to communicate effectively including strategically self-promoting, contact me to explore this topic further.

How do you shift perceptions?

Mastering the Art of Promotion Requests: More Tips and Strategies (Self-advocacy series 5/7)

In the previous article, we delved into three crucial factors for seeking a promotion: accomplishments, vision, and passion.  This article will expand on these aspects and explore additional valuable tips.

1. Seek Endorsements from Allies.  Harness the power of endorsements from colleagues who can vouch for your leadership potential.  Approach them in advance to gauge their support and ask how they would describe your qualifications for a promotion. This not only strengthens your case but also provides insights for improvement.

2. Identify Decision Makers.  Promotions often involve a committee, especially at the higher levels. Discover their criteria and seek opportunities to collaborate with key decisionmakers on projects to showcase your capabilities and gain their support.

3. Have a Plan B.  If a promotion is not immediately available, consider alternative benefits. Request support for professional development, executive or leadership coaching, training opportunities, tuition reimbursement, or membership into professional organizations. Maybe they can connect you with a mentor so you can learn another part of the business, or you can ask to attend key executive meetings so you can gain greater visibility to the broader part of how the company operates, or push for a flexible schedule so you can enhance your skills and value.

If they say no to your promotion because of promotion freezes by the company and not because you are not ready, you can ask if you would have their support next time and get that verbal agreement in advance.

If they say no because they feel you are not ready, try not to leave the conversation unless you are clear on the 2-3 things to focus on to get promoted in the next cycle. You can ask what are two skills that people in that position demonstrate so you can start working on them.  Or, is there something you should stop doing that would help you advance in your career?

4. Cultivate and Leverage Authentic Relationships.   Before vying for a promotion, you should build a reputation as somebody who builds good relationships and is a team player.  Be willing to jump in for others, offer support, build on their ideas, and celebrate them.  When you realize that somebody is having trouble with a new program, volunteer to jump in and share so you can fast-track their learning; those gestures go a long way.  Maybe you hear another leader having trouble finding certain information, and that’s your area of expertise; you can email the information even without being asked to do so.

Also, it is okay to leverage relationships which are at the heart of building many successful careers. Madeline Albright got to know Bill Clinton and wrote him a recommendation, and then he returned the favor and nominated her to a critical political position; of course, she was qualified, but many other people were as well.  Men are good at exchanging favors, whereas women tend to give their time to help without expecting something in return.  This is what a typical exchange can look like for many women, your coworker John says, “Can you fill in the meeting for me tomorrow?” You respond, “I don’t think so, I have a lot going on.” He pushes and says, “I have another meeting where a key decision needs to be made and if I don’t show, that project will be delayed by weeks.  You relent and say, ok and he says thanks.  That should not be the end of the exchange.  It would help if you then signaled reciprocity.  “Sure, I’ll fill in, but I need your help on Thurs. morning to get this part of the work done.”   If you have no upcoming work that needs to get done, you can say, “You owe me one if I need coverage later on.  Sound good?”

5. Speak confidentially. Don’t be tentative in describing your skills and experience.  For example, “I’ve never held a position like this before so I’m not sure if my skills are an exact match.”  It seems like more of an issue for women because less qualified men are much bolder.  They may say, “I have exactly the skills you seek and easily meet the requirements because I’m excellent in x, y, and z.”  Replace your tentative language: “I think I can contribute,” with stronger language: “Here is how I plan to contribute;” “My track record shows that I’ll be able to…”

6. Define Your Desired Role.  You should know the role you are going for to make your case.  If the organization has created a new role, it is an excellent opportunity to define it as you cocreate the details.  If you suggest a new position, map out a job description while leaving space for them to add their thoughts, generating greater buy-in.  You are trying to make it easy for the other person to say yes, and if they have yet to learn the specifics of the role, they are more likely to say no because there are too many factors to consider.

7. Increase Market Rate Awareness.  Research market rates for similar roles at other companies to understand your value.  Internally, research on compensation packages of peers in comparable positions with similar team sizes should be gathered to negotiate effectively. 

8. Demonstrate Competencies.  Showcase how you already possess the competencies required for the next level. If there are some that you are not doing, you can offer your plan to fill those gaps.   

9. Address Concerns. Proactively address any concerns or reservations that decisionmakers may have. Offer practical solutions and share your vision for overcoming potential challenges.  For example, they may be worried that you have never run a team more than 10 so 30 is too big of a stretch.  You can walk through your vision of how you would manage that challenge.  Or, if you now have to start a partnership with the engineering team but have little exposure, you can talk about your plan to build relationships and collaborate efficiently.

10. Be Tactful in Disclosing Weaknesses.  Sharing your development gaps can be helpful, especially when you have an environment of trust and support.  When somebody has power over your pay and promotion, you can also be cautious, especially if you are unsure about the trust and depths of your relationship.  Instead of saying, “I have imposter syndrome running this team that are more experienced and older than me.” I would frame it in seeking advice.  “You have always been so helpful; I would love to learn your approach to running teams that have more experience than you?”

11. Correcting Misconceptions.  If you encounter misinterpretations or inaccuracies in feedback, address them promptly.  I was working with a leader once who was asking questions about a new vision that was rolled out.  The HRBP, who was in the meeting, labeled him as not quick to get on board.  There were no other data points to support that statement, yet feedback followed him for a long time.  When that happens, be sure to correct the record.  Schedule time with the person who gave the feedback to try to understand it better.  See if there are examples they can provide.  Share what you have been doing to bring people along.  Provide context for your approach. e.g., “At the beginning of a new initiative, I tend to ask many questions to gain greater understanding. It is so I am better prepared to answer questions that I will get from my team. The number of questions is more related to deeply understanding it than questioning your vision.”

12. Interview Elsewhere.  This is helpful because you learn about other opportunities, better understand your worth, and refine your self-presentation.  If you get an offer, you can take it to your boss as a powerful negotiating tool.  Sometimes, companies are reluctant to promote from within too quickly, but when faced with losing you, they magically find money because letting you go is more expensive than paying the extra money you want.  In fact, it can cost companies up to 100k or more to bring somebody in and onboard them.

13. Avoid Bluffing.  Honestly is essential. Never claim to have another offer unless you genuinely intend to accept it. Bluffing can damage your credibility and future promotion prospects. 

By incorporating these additional strategies into your promotion request process, you can effectively enhance your chances of success and navigate the complexities of career advancement.

Quote of the day: "If you don't ask, you don't get." - Mahatma Gandhi

Question.  Who do you know that is great at asking for a promotion?  What was their approach and why were they effective? Comment and share below; we’d love to hear from you!

The next blog in this series 6/7 will focus on ways to showcase your growth to shift perspectives. 

As a leadership development and executive coach, I work with leaders to communicate effectively including strategically self-promoting, contact me to explore this topic further.

How do you gain allies before you ask for a promotion?

Making your promotion case: Preparing for Career Advancement Conversations (Self-advocacy series 4/7)

Asking for a promotion or raise can be intimidating, often causing individuals to shy away from a potentially uncomfortable conversation. However, it's crucial to advocate for yourself and seize opportunities for professional growth. In this article, we will explore three key steps to put your promotion case together and be ready for the conversation.

1. Document Your accomplishments.  Before approaching the conversation, document your top 3-5 achievements across various work areas.  Specify the strategies you employed, the results achieved, and the context in which you operated. For instance, describe how when you took over the customer success team at the beginning of the year, they lacked infrastructure and fell short of their targets.  You restructured the team, defined clear roles and responsibilities, introduced new metrics and processes, and achieved a 10% customer growth during layoffs and fewer resources. 

You can document your wins as a leader and the impact on teams and culture.  Maybe you have created a high-performing team that receives consistent positive feedback from key cross-functional partners and have gotten your people promoted and recognized throughout the organization.   For culture, perhaps you led successful offsites that resulted in more cohesive teams and the reduction of silos or put in place a series of cultural practices that have increased engagement and morale, innovation, retention, and high performance.  Or, you are a great culture carrier and can be relied on to do the right thing and represent the organization the way it wants.

It is helpful to keep a running list of accomplishments that you add to monthly so that when it is time for your promotion, you already have the information; it is just a matter of packaging it into three big advancements.  If you are not delivering your results, it may be challenging to get promoted.  In that case, do not just evaluate the last six months to a year, but look at a longer horizon to see how the context and global factors have played a role.  Maybe the expectations have shifted, and your new bar for success should be just maintaining the current customer base rather than gaining 5% additional customers because this is in the context of your competitors seeing a norm of 10% loss.  You could have set your goals when the context was much different, so you must adjust expectations. 

2. Share Your Vision & Benefits.  If your track record and accomplishments are about the past, the other focus should be on your future potential and how you show you are a franchise player.  What is your vision for your role and the department in the short and long term?  Where do you want to take it?   Connect the dots to demonstrate how your promotion can benefit your unit, other teams, and the entire organization.   Explain how the promotion will empower you to accomplish more.  Consider how it will enhance your ability to collaborate with other department heads because they want to work with their title peers.  If you are already great at people management, a bigger team will allow you to have more impact in bringing out people’s best, contributing to engagement and retention, and the goal of entering new markets.  Always tie your case back to the business benefits and the advantages for the team and company.

2A. Use the “I /We” Formula.  Alexander Carter, Columbia Law Professor & Negotiation Expert advocates using this formula to emphasize multiple benefits.  “Here’s what I’m asking, and here’s how we, as an organization, will benefit from my enhanced role.”   “If you bring me in at the VP level, we, as an organization will benefit from the combination of operational and technical experience.”  Making a case that is just about you is a losing proposition.  For example, “I really need this because my kid is entering college this year.”  Aim to maintain your objectivity.

2B. Identify Your Successor.  In your vision, name your potential successor.  Ideally, you have been grooming them to step into your role seamlessly.  If this is not the case, perhaps your possible appointment recently took a job elsewhere, outline a plan to prepare an internal candidate or consider external hiring to bridge any skill gaps needed for the team’s growth.   

3. Convey Passion.  Express your enthusiasm and passion for a more extensive scope and opportunity. Make it clear why you're driven to take on more responsibility and how it will invigorate your work. Demonstrating your eagerness reduces uncertainty and inspires confidence in those who support your advancement and may be taking risks. Let your passion shine through to energize yourself and also those around you.

When it comes to requesting a promotion, preparation is critical.  Have a concise statement highlighting your current achievements, aspirations, and the reasons driving your pursuit. 

Quote of the day. “Opportunities don’t happen. You create them.” -Chris Grosser

Question of the Day. What lessons have you learned about asking for a promotion?  What worked and what hasn’t? Comment and share below; we’d love to hear from you!

The next blog in this series 5 /7 will focus on refined strategies for influencing. 

As a leadership development and executive coach, I work with leaders to communicate effectively including strategically self-promoting, contact me to explore this topic further.

What’s your approach to asking for a promotion?

Strategies To Elevate Your Work Visibility? (self-advocacy series 3/7)

In the preceding two articles, we delved into the challenges of self-promotion and the importance of cultivating new beliefs to boost your career visibility. Once you've grasped the significance of making your work more visible, especially if you operate behind the scenes, it's time to explore practical steps to reshape the outcome.

Let’s explore strategies for enhancing the visibility of your work:

1. Excel in Your Work.  The foundation of increased visibility begins with consistently delivering exceptional work.  Establishing a reputation as someone who consistently completes tasks correctly and efficiently without reminders, makes you a reliable and valuable asset.  Colleagues will see you as a dependable and high-yield investment of their time and resources.

2. Foster Mutually Supportive Relationships.  Publicly championing the successes of others can pave the way for solid alliances.  When you celebrate the achievements of your colleagues, they are more likely to reciprocate, resulting in a robust network of support.

3. Seek Feedback.  It's easy to underestimate your accomplishments.  Soliciting feedback from trusted individuals offers an external perspective that helps you comprehensively understand your achievements, enabling you to communicate them more effectively.

Additionally, Leadership Expert Liz Wiseman suggests these approaches for tactfully drawing attention to your contributions:

1. Providing Informative Updates.  Sharing an FYI on tasks you've completed to make others' work easier can boost your visibility. For instance, “I took care of the list of escalated issues from yesterday’s executive meeting, so you don’t need to worry about them.”   This notification demonstrates your commitment and reliability.

2. Optimize processes.   If your work involves routine processes, consider innovating and optimizing them. Successful innovations garner appreciation, while unsuccessful attempts will still draw attention to your dedication to improvement.

3. Delegate to Highlight Workload.  Delegating some of your responsibilities, especially those that often go unnoticed, can highlight the complexity of your workload. Others may better appreciate your contributions when they experience firsthand what’s on your plate.  When you take a couple of weeks off and truly unplug (not getting a few things done here and there or being responsive to calls) and your boss has to assume parts of your work, they will have a newfound appreciation when they learn the full scope of your tasks.  This is also what Debra Stepple, Sr. VP of Tech and Marketing Functions for a financial planning company experienced in her personal domain.  When she was forced to spend several months on pregnancy-related bedrest, her husband assumed some of her duties including carrying the laundry up two flights of stairs. He realized how hard it must be for his wife who is just over 5 feet to manage the massive family load.  When she got better, he never gave her back that task because the full depth of her work was only seen once he experienced it.

4. Seize Key Moments.  Skilled waiters who work efficiently in the background know how to step forward in crucial moments.  Right before they deliver the bill, they may let you see the work they have done on your behalf by saying, “Just to let you know I put a rush on your order to ensure you get to the theater on time.” You too can seize opportunities to come to the forefront strategically. When your boss acknowledges your excellent work, you can express interest in future opportunities. E.g., “I see we have a meeting next week; I have more ideas to contribute.  Would it be helpful for me to get added to the agenda?” 

5. Show Your work.  When you simply tell somebody what you have done, they may not comprehend the full scope of all the tricky challenges involved.  Much like a math problem, presenting a final answer may give the impression of simplicity.  However, displaying all the smaller steps in the process reveals the complexity and effort behind your results. 

5A. Focus on the Process & Results.  To show the process, you can start with the challenges and share the strategies/steps you employed, and then you can share the outcomes and lessons you’ve learned for future projects.

5B. Stick to the Facts.  You can guide others to draw favorable conclusions when you share the facts and do not offer your interpretations.  For example, instead of saying “I’m an expert writer,” you can say, “I’ve published ten articles on this topic.”  Rather than saying, I’m an excellent leader,” you can say, “Since I took over the team, we have seen sales double.”  Rather than you making sweeping generalizations, let them come to their conclusions based on your data.

6 Share Evidence of Success.  Periodically share compliments and feedback you receive with your leaders. For example, “I am thrilled by the result of this campaign and grateful for the team’s support.  I was equally excited when the client shared a testimonial.  I aim to continue wowing this client so we can land even bigger campaigns.”   You can even encourage your customers and collaborators to share positive feedback directly with your leaders. 

6A Assist your Boss in Showcasing your Victories.  You can also help your boss package the wins to their leadership teams.  When there is a significant accomplishment, you can thank your boss for the opportunity to work on the project and how excited you were with what the team accomplished.  You can say, you were especially proud of these two things and distill the successes, so it is top of mind for them to share upwardly.

Enhancing the visibility of your work involves a blend of strategy and effective communication. By consistently delivering outstanding results, fostering supportive relationships, and sharing your successes in a structured and factual manner, you can ensure that your contributions are recognized and valued appropriately.

Quote of the day. "Your work is your responsibility, no matter the task. Own it. Adapt it. Elevate it." - Jason Taylor

Question of the day.  What helpful tips can you offer to make your work more visible? Comment and share below; we’d love to hear from you!

The next blog in this series 4/7 will focus on how to ask for a promotion.

As a leadership development and executive coach, I work with leaders to communicate effectively including strategically self-promoting, contact me to explore this topic further.

How do you make your work more visible?

More Challenges Holding You Back from Self-Promotion (self-advocacy series 2/7)

In the previous article, we explored two top challenges related to self-promotion. This article will delve into additional common challenges individuals may face in their journey toward effective advocacy.

1. Overcoming Shyness.  Many people are reticent to talk about their accomplishments in front of others because they may not know what to say or how to say it. 

·      Stepping Outside of Your Comfort Zone.  Leadership often involves moving beyond what’s familiar to develop new skills.  You may be good at back-of-the-room leadership, doing great work behind the scenes but it’s also essential to know how to excel when front-of-the-room leadership is required.  While initial awkwardness may occur when you are developing this muscle, it means you are learning and doing hard things, and the long-term personal growth benefits will eclipse the short-term pains.

2. Letting Your Work Speak for Itself.  In How Women Rise, Sally Helgeson labels this career-limiting habit as “expecting others to spontaneously notice and reward your hard work.”  This passive approach can hinder your career progression.

·      Taking Initiative.  People are too busy to notice what you are doing, they are in non-stop meetings, have full agendas, and are working hard to hit their deadlines.  Rather than take this passive approach, speaking about the work and providing context that highlights its quality is better.  Nobody will be able to advocate for yourself the way you can, and how can you get recognized by leadership if they have no visibility into the work you are doing?

3. Managing Busyness.  Some feel like they have a million things going on and do not have the headspace to think about how they will share what they are doing.  This is especially true if you are a high achiever who cares about being a good leader;  you are usually always in action mode and do not have time to reflect, zoom out, and think about how you can position yourself.

·      Viewing Self-Promotion as Essential. Rather than consider self-advocacy as a separate task, view it as an integral part of your job.  When a company develops a new product, that’s only part of their work.  They then have to market it.  If you think you are too busy, you will stay in your current role and not prepare for what’s next.  It is essential to take time to step back and prioritize your career advancement because nobody will manage your career the way you can.

4. Balancing Enjoying Good Work.  Some individuals find great satisfaction in helping others and believe that getting recognized is secondary.   While valuing good work is commendable, recognition is essential for career progression.

·      Reframing Recognition.  The acknowledgment of your contributions can lead to more significant opportunities to make a broader impact.  Avoid being pigeonholed and overlooked for growth opportunities by ensuring your work is noticed and appreciated.

5. Navigating the Double Bind.  In some cultures, stereotypes about gender and leadership may pose unique challenges regarding self-promotion, particularly for women. Traditional ideals of leadership are often associated with qualities such as decisiveness, assertiveness, and independence, which can align more closely with masculinity.  Conversely, women are expected to exhibit traits like nurturing and selflessness. This disconnect places female leaders in a double bind, where they must navigate a delicate balance between demonstrating competence and likability. Research has shown that women excelling in traditionally male-dominated fields may be perceived as competent but less likable than their male counterparts. Behaviors considered self-confidence and assertiveness in men may be viewed as arrogance or abrasiveness in women. On the other hand, women who adopt a conventionally feminine leadership style may be liked but not respected, as they may be seen as too emotional or soft to make tough decisions. These challenges underscore that self-promotion can be more complex for certain groups.

·      Defying Stereotypes.  It's important to acknowledge that these challenges persist, and people may form perceptions of you even when you're not actively self-promoting. Ruth Bader Ginsberg, a former Supreme Court Justice who graduated at the top of her class at Columbia Law School, faced jealousy and derogatory comments from male colleagues. Her response, "better to be called a bitch than mouse (and not ever speaking up)," highlights the importance of not shrinking oneself to conform to others' expectations. Had women in the 70s been overly concerned with meeting societal expectations, the management field would be largely devoid of women. It's crucial not to diminish yourself to please others; instead, approach this challenge with thoughtfulness and intention.

·     Challenging Perceptions.  Another valuable strategy is to challenge others' definitions and perceptions. For instance, if someone labels you ambitious, inquire about their definition. If their definition carries a negative connotation (doing whatever you can to get to the top), provide your interpretation (someone eager to maximize opportunities and rise through the ranks to make a significant impact). By taking control of the narrative and asserting your definitions, you can effectively navigate the complexities of self-promotion in the face of societal stereotypes.

Overcoming these common challenges can pave the way for effective self-promotion and career advancement, ensuring that your accomplishments receive the recognition they deserve.

Quote of the day: "The most important career decision you'll ever make is whether you will promote yourself." - Clare Boothe Luce 

Question:  What effective strategies do you employ to self-promote?  Who do you know that does this well, and what do they do? Comment and share below; we’d love to hear from you!

The next blog in this series 3/7 will focus on specific approaches to elevating your work.

As a leadership development and executive coach, I work with leaders to communicate effectively including strategically self-promoting, contact me to explore this topic further.

How do you promote yourself graciously?

Mastering Self-Advocacy: Overcoming Common Challenges (self-advocacy series 1/7)

Self-promotion can be daunting, often leaving individuals grappling with concerns about how they will be perceived when discussing their accomplishments.  The fear of coming across as arrogant or self-centered can deter people from effectively showcasing their skills and achievements. However, self-promotion is not an all-or-nothing proposition; a third way allows individuals to promote their work artfully and tactfully, thereby advancing their careers. 

This article will explore two common challenges hindering self-promotion and strategies to overcome them.  The second article in this series will delve into additional obstacles that individuals may encounter in the quest for effective self-advocacy.      

1. Avoiding Bragging

Concerns about sounding arrogant or self-centered when self-promoting are valid, especially if you are constantly using “I” and not acknowledging other’s efforts or putting down peers, such as, “Unlike my peers, I exceeded my goals…”. However, there is a way to discuss your work without sounding cocky.

·       Educational opportunity.  Reframe self-promotion as an opportunity to educate others.  By sharing your work, including the challenges and lessons learned, you provide valuable insights to your colleagues.   It also signals to others that they can seek your assistance if you possess specific expertise demonstrated through recent projects.  In the 1990s, Intel faced a similar challenge of insufficient promotion despite being the market leader in microprocessors, renowned for their technical superiority and high-quality products.  Their microprocessors outperformed competitors' chips, offering faster speeds and enhanced capabilities. However, there was a disconnect between their exceptional technology and consumer awareness. To address this issue, Intel launched a successful branding campaign by incorporating its "Intel Inside" logo on computers. This initiative effectively raised Intel's visibility, making it a household name and influencing consumer choices. The lesson here is that, like Intel, individuals should enhance their visibility to ensure their value is recognized.

·       Better Utilization.  Sharing your skillsets helps the company better understand how to leverage your abilities efficiently.  This prevents misaligned job requisitions and ensures your skills are put to their best use.  It also helps them avoid bringing in other people if they have somebody who can already do aspects of the job.

·       Focus on High Achievers.  Companies sometimes pay disproportionate attention to people who are not meeting benchmarks and ignore those blowing it out of the water. There is a real business case for shifting that attention and those resources to the high performers because they will likely be flight risks if they feel underutilized.  At the same time, organizations will be left with average employers.

·       Informing new leaders.  There are times when new leaders come into the company, and they do not know your track record, so it may take a while for them to learn all your capabilities and interests. Having that information on the sooner side is so helpful so they can best leverage your talents.   The more you share what you have done, what you are proud of, what you have learned that might benefit others, and what you want to do next, the easier it is for them to utilize you.

·       Creating an Equitable Playing Field.   Failure to share your accomplishments can disproportionately affect women, as men often get promoted based on potential while women rely on their track record for recognition. 

·       Controlling Efforts and Ignoring Unhelpful Opinions.   You cannot control what others think, but you can control your efforts to share your passions and accomplishments.  Your sharing has the potential to give you visibility and propel your career.  You can choose not to share anything, and they can still think all those things about you anyway, yet you have missed the possible benefit. 

2. Being a Team Player.   Some believe sharing their achievements may overshadow the team's work or negatively impact their image as a team player. However, there is a balance that allows you to highlight both individual contributions and team success.

·      Recognize Great Teamwork.  It is easy to fall into either/or mindset – thinking that sharing your achievements means you aren't a team player.  However, every team comprises individuals who naturally desire recognition for their efforts. With this in mind, you can appreciate the team's great work while also recognizing individual contributions to success. This phenomenon is common in sports, where the team's victory is celebrated alongside specific standout moments like a critical defensive stop, a key goal, or a game-winning pass. It aligns with Social Psychologist Marilynn Brewer's Optimal Distinctiveness Theory, which suggests that at every level, people seek to belong to a team while having a unique role to play. Balancing both individual and collective recognition is essential.

Self-promotion is a crucial skill for career growth, and this article addressed two common challenges: the fear of bragging and concerns about being seen as a team player. You can overcome these obstacles by reframing self-advocacy positively and balancing individual recognition with teamwork.   Stay tuned for more insights in the next article on mastering self-promotion and advancing your career.

Quote of the day: "Don't be afraid to shine; the world needs your light as much as you need it to grow." - Matshona Dhliwayo, Philosopher & Author

Question:  What is the biggest challenge you have in promoting yourself?  Comment and share below; we’d love to hear from you!

The next blog in this series 2/7 will focus on additional challenges and strategies with self-promotion.

As a leadership development and executive coach, I work with leaders to communicate effectively, including strategically self-promoting; contact me to explore this topic further.

How do you advocate for yourself?

Cultivating Commitment: A Guide to Securing Workplace Buy-in (Influence Series 4/4)

When you are successful with influence, you get buy-in or explicit agreement or commitment from others, often toward an idea, proposal, or project.  Buy-in indicates that the stakeholders or team members understand, support, and are committed to the initiative.

Let’s delve into practical strategies for obtaining buy-in with your team.  This same approach can be used with other groups you seek to gain support.

1. Fostering Open Dialogue and Collaboration.  Create space to collect as many voices as possible.  If you bring ideas to a project team and notice they are bouncing around with only a few voices dominating, invite the quieter team members to share their thoughts.  You can request that each member shares once before anybody else goes for a second time. This will validate the presence of all members, possibly solicit winning ideas from unexpected sources, and solidify the buy-in process as you incorporate the collective wisdom in the room and bring others along.

2. Offering Options.  Choice is a powerful motivator.  Consider a scenario where you need to implement a new software system.  By presenting the team with two vetted options and allowing them to select the one they prefer, you are not making a decision but rather empowering the team to shape their work environment. 

3. Encouraging Initiative.  There is something about owning an idea that ignites a drive in people.  When faced with a challenge, asking team members to propose solutions first can lead to innovation and a stronger commitment to the project’s success. For example, when a sales team faces declining numbers, the manager could ask each member to suggest strategies before proposing their ideas.  This can result in a team fully invested in the turnaround plan they helped craft.

4. Clarifying Roles While Encouraging Autonomy.  Clarity breeds confidence.  When everyone knows ‘what’ needs to be done but has the freedom to decide ‘how’, they’re most invested.  Take a software development team: the Team Lead outlines the feature requirements but leaves the implementation approach to the developer’s expertise, enhancing their ownership and accountability.

5. Encouraging Inquiry.  Questions are the pickaxes of understanding.  Allowing team members to ask questions during the decision-making process does not just clarify; it deepens their engagement.  It’s like a product development team querying the specifics of user feedback. It leads to a product that not only meets but exceeds expectations.

6. Practicing Empathy.  Understanding team members' daily experiences and challenges can transform the approach to influence.  For example, a manager considering a shift to remote work takes the time to understand each employee’s home setup and responsibilities, tailoring solutions that work for all.  Buy-in is more easily obtained when you are in touch with their realities.

Securing buy-in is an artful blend of communication, choice, and empathy.  Effective leaders listen actively, provide choices, and practice empathy, weaving individual commitments into a tapestry of collective success. The true measure of influence is the shared enthusiasm and dedication it inspires.

Quote of the day: You can’t inspire people if you are going to be uninspiring’ -Robert Reich

What has worked for you in securing buy-in at work?  Comment and share with us; we would love to hear!

As a leadership development and executive coach, I work with leaders to sharpen their influencing skills for win-win opportunities, contact me to explore this topic further.

Gaining buy-in for your ideas is an essential skill

The Power of Persuasion: Harnessing Cialdini’s Framework for Influential Leadership (Influence Series 3/4)

The last blog explored numerous ways to influence.  This one will focus on one model from renowned author Robert Cialdini, an American Psychologist and Professor who wrote a popular book on persuasion and marketing.  He found that influence is based on six key principles: reciprocity, commitment and consistency, social proof, authority, liking, and scarcity.  A 7th principle of unity was added later.  

Here is what the concepts are all about and their applications to the workplace:

1. Reciprocity:  People have a natural tendency to reciprocate when someone does something for them. If you do a favor for someone, they are more likely to feel obligated to do something in return.  When working on a team or project, offer to help your colleagues when they need assistance.  They are more likely to reciprocate and help you in return and relationships can naturally blossom.

2. Commitment and Consistency: Once people make a commitment or take a stand on a particular issue, they tend to behave in ways that are consistent with that commitment. They want to align their actions with their stated beliefs. When presenting an idea or proposal, highlight how it aligns with the company's mission or previous decisions, emphasizing consistency with past actions to bring others along.

3. Social Proof:  People often look to the behavior of others as a guide for their own actions. When they see that many others are doing something, they are more likely to follow suit. Share success stories or case studies of how others in your organization have achieved positive results using a particular strategy or product.

Use testimonials and reviews to demonstrate that your product or service has been well-received by others in the industry.

4. Authority:  People tend to trust and obey authority figures.  They are more likely to be influenced by someone who is perceived as knowledgeable, credible, or an expert in a particular domain.  When presenting, establish your expertise by citing research, experience, or relevant qualifications.  Collaborate with influential figures or experts in your field to lend credibility to your initiatives or projects.

5. Liking: People are more easily influenced by those they like or feel a connection with so aim to find common interests. Building rapport and establishing a positive relationship can enhance your ability to persuade others, and a great way to do that is by showing genuine interest in their needs and concerns. 

6. Scarcity: The idea that something is scarce or in limited supply can make it more desirable to people.  They may be motivated to take action to acquire it before it's gone.  Create a sense of urgency around important projects or deadlines to motivate team members to prioritize their work.  Offer limited-time promotions or discounts to encourage customers to make purchasing decisions more quickly.

7. Unity: The more we identify ourselves with others, the more we are influenced by them.  Taking time to find commonalities through one-on-one engagements or team-building activities will allow you to build a good rapport and influence others.  You can emphasize common goals and values.

Cialdini’s principles provide a robust framework for ethical persuasion that can be applied to the workplace.  These concepts can enhance your ability to navigate team dynamics and inspire action. Influence, when rooted in authenticity, can drive progress and strengthen bonds within any organization.

Quote of the day: “The key to successful leadership is influence, not authority.” -Ken Blanchard

Which principle do you find to be the hardest and easiest to apply in the workplace?  Comment and share with us; we would love to hear!

The next blog in this series 4/4 will focus on getting buy-in.

As a leadership development and executive coach, I work with leaders to sharpen their influencing skills for win-win opportunities, contact me to explore this topic further.

How are you successful with influencing?

Influence in Action: Strategies Beyond Initial Planning (Influence Series 2/4)

In the previous blog, we navigated the intricate landscape of influence – uncovering the preparatory steps to set the stage for effective persuasion. This article will focus on what comes after the groundwork is already laid.

Let’s jump into some refined strategies for influencing:

1. Adapt your approach depending on the audience.   Influence is not a one-size-fits-all; tailor your style to match the audience, and if you are unsure, ask others their preferred style.

·      When you are trying to work cross-functionally and need to win the support of a peer you may want to opt for a bridging approach, which is all about building coalitions sometimes by making concessions to reach outcomes that satisfy your greater interest. 

·      If you are in crisis and people are relying on you to be decisive, you may want to use an asserting approach where you insist on the importance of your idea, making the call to run a pilot and revisit later.  

·      If you are dealing with a leader who heavily relies on logic, like a CFO, you may want to use a convincing approach based on logic, data, and expertise.  

2. Ask and enroll rather than tell.  Instead of presenting solutions immediately, ask open-ended questions to understand others’ challenges and perspectives and learn best about root causes.  Some questions include: What’s really going on here, how long has it been going on, what have you tried, why didn’t it work, what will be different, etc.  So many times, people will say, I need training on X, but it turns out that it would only treat the symptom because they really need Y. Dive deep to uncover the source and comprehensively understand their needs. 

Avoid dictating solutions; rather, involve others in the process. Right before the pandemic, an Executive client of mine told me that he presented to senior leaders a body of evidence that people who can work out of the office part-time tend to be happier, more productive, and will likely stay so he wanted to run a remote Friday experiment.  Immediately, the other leaders responded with reasons why they could not do that, and it was because he came in sounding like a preacher who saw the light and had the answers to a complex problem.  A better approach is to share an observation (“I am interested in the movement for growing flexibility at work”), and ask questions for engagement (“What do you see in your teams and organizations?”  “What are some upsides and downsides?”  “How could we design an experiment to combine the good and eliminate the bad and see if we can get similar results?”). This approach can be more collaborative and appealing and get buy-in.

3. Define the Win and Find Alignment.  It is one thing to say what you want and another thing to say what the win looks like and why it is important now.  Additionally, it is crucial to align your initiative with the other person’s goals and demonstrate how it benefits all parties.  In The Go Giver, one of the Five Laws of Stratospheric Success is a law on influence, which is determined by how abundantly you place other people’s interests first.  Adam Grant in Give and Take supports this idea and offers advice to appeal to their nobler motives, such as, “we all want to move forward and head to this deadline for these stakeholders.  Let’s spend our time today figuring out what’s not working and think about the big picture.”

You can use the Triangle framework (win-win-win).  As a result of this initiative, how does the company, the other team, and your team win?  You can also think about what happens if this does not get done. What’s the cost to the three entities?

4. Speak in “We,” not “I.”  Use inclusive language to convey a sense of collaboration rather than a zero-sum mentality. 

5. Frame the Discussion.  Control the narrative by steering the conversation in the desired direction.  Set the perspective and context to guide the audience’s understanding.  

6. Provide Evidence.  Leverage social proof and data to support your ideas.  Highlighting others' shared options and providing specific testimonials builds credibility.  For example, we surveyed 1,000 of our most loyal customers, and here is what they told us.  You can point to key leaders in the organization who have a lot of credibility and share how they also loved the idea when you shared it with them.  If others know that person is excited about an idea, they will be more likely to listen to it. 

Additionally, sharing data is essential.  If you ran some A/B testing and have data that supports one approach over another, offer that information.  Introducing data points from external companies regarding what is happening in the industry is always helpful.  One of my clients had to make a difficult decision about layoffs, and when she looked around the industry, she realized that 15% was the norm, so her suggestion of 10% was below average, making her influencing attempts easier.

7. Tell a good story.  When you can recast your arguments in an engaging story that touches people’s emotional and logical sides, they will receive your information even more.

8. Surface disagreements.  If you experience resistance, identify disagreements to find a way forward.  There will always be people with different opinions who see things differently and that’s ok.  You can state the disagreement and ask a few questions to uncover the root of the disagreement. For example, you can inquire:

·      What are we optimizing for?  (The goal should be aligned rather than having two different goals).

·      Are we focused on solving for different target audiences (you are designing for power users and I am for the causal user).

·      What are our working assumptions and what goes into forming them? (you may be operating from two fundamentally different assumptions).

At the end of the day, influencing is not about getting what you want or manipulating; it is about finding those win-win opportunities for all to benefit.  You want to be proud of the way you influence because you did it with kindness, respect, authenticity, and integrity.   

Quote of the day: “Smiling unknowingly influences how other people will respond to you.”  -Liam Jackson

How do you influence successfully?  What do you find hard about it?  Comment and share with us; we would love to hear!

The next blog in this series 3/4 will focus on a specific model of influence.

As a leadership development and executive coach, I work with leaders to sharpen their influencing skills for win-win opportunities, contact me to explore this topic further.

What’s your way of bringing others along?

Dispelling Myths of Authenticity (Authenticity series 4/4)

In this final installment of our authenticity series, we confront prevalent misconceptions that often color our understanding of authenticity. Let’s unravel the truth behind these myths.

Myth #1 – Authetncity means never changing your personality

A misunderstanding with being authentic is thinking that we must always be true to ourselves and display that version.  But, which true self is that?  Walt Whitman said, “Do I contract myself?  Very well then, I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.”  To be authentically human is to exercise all our mini-selves, it does not mean resisting the evolution that occurs with personal growth.

New managers struggle when they define authenticity in strict terms.  When asked to make changes they may feel it is a stretch from their natural personality, and they equate that with inauthentic.  For example, a humble manager who values others’ ideas is told by their boss to be more assertive and sell their concept more aggressively.  That can feel fake.  Going against our natural inclinations can make us feel like impostors, so we tend to latch on to authenticity as an excuse for sticking with what’s familiar.  But as we advance in our careers, demands and expectations change, and we need to expand and develop new muscles and add more tools.   By viewing ourselves as works-in-progress and evolving our professional identities through trial and error, we can create a personal style that feels right to us and suits our organizations’ changing needs.  If we adhere too much to what we think and feel, it may counter what the situation demands, and we deprive ourselves of tremendous growth.  The aspects that are most challenging for us can teach us the most about leading effectively.  In an interview with Adam Grant, Indra Nooyi, Former CEO of PepsiCo shared advice that while you maintain your authenticity, do not expect others to accept 100% of who you are.  She talked about being the only female on executive calls, and all the men would talk about sports she did not follow.  The one sport she did follow, Cricket, nobody else was interested.  She decided to flex her authenticity and learn about other sports and get involved with sports talk with her coworkers before the meetings. She found that these efforts went a long way to building rapport and doing better business. Being able to bend to have stronger connections was quite valuable to her.

Myth #2: Authenticity gives you a free pass to behave however you want

Being authentic does not justify hurtful or self-centered and irresponsible behavior.  Some chronically uncivil people or those with disagreeable personalities like to say they are just being their authentic selves.  For example, you may yell at a teammate because you view yourself as prone to anger, but you do not have the right to unload your feelings on others whenever you want and in the way you want.  Family and friends may be able to handle that and will be there for us after sharing our short tantrums and emotional speedbumps.  You may be somebody who curses a lot and will want that same right in the workplace to express your authenticity.  But, we can be both authentic and respectful or agreeable to create harmony in the workplace.  Authentic leadership is about mastering the skill of being a shapeshifter.  Somebody can change styles depending on what the situation demands, without straying from core values and goals or relinquishing their genuineness.  It is not about the person who expresses themselves regardless of the impact they may have on others.  You must be mindful and emotionally aware of how your energy is radiating and how others are experiencing you.  

Myth #3: Authenticity means behaving the same way in every situation

We have a kaleidoscope of personalities and may activate specific personas under different conditions.  For example, when we are in performance mode, we present our most polished selves, showcasing our leadership prowess.  In learning mode, we experiment and accept failure as part of our growth journey. Authenticity can manifest differently in these varied contexts, and that’s perfectly normal.  Shakespeare’s famous words: “All the world’s a stage …and one man in his time plays many parts,” captures this reality.  Adapting your behavior to fit the situation does not make you fake or insincere; it demonstrates versatility.   Common sense says that we do not reveal every side of ourselves in every situation, but understand the context we are in and the style we can adapt because we have versatility.  You do not show up the same way in the board room when you give a briefing as you do with your family at a dinner party or the gym with your friends.  We have many facets, and while we are adapting to others, we are still always staying true to our values which is what authenticity is all about.

How do we know when you’re being inauthentic?  It happens when your actions diverge from your professed beliefs and values.  Like chameleons, leaders can adjust to better serve their teams while staying true to their authentic identities.

Quote of the day: "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."  - Dr. Seuss (Theodor Seuss Geisel) (alternatively attributed to Sir Mark Young and/or Bernard Baruch)

Q: How do you adapt your style to fit the context you are in but are still authentic?  Comment and share below; we would love to hear from you!

As a leadership development and executive coach, I work with leaders to explore what authentic leadership means to them and develop their style, contact me to explore this topic further.

Which myths do you want to dispel?

Characteristics of an Authentic Leader (Authenticity Series 2/4 )

In the previous blog, we delved into the concept of authenticity and its benefits in leadership.   This article will explore the key characteristics of being an authentic leader.

Here are a few traits of authentic leaders:

1. Vulnerability.  Authentic leaders are unafraid to share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences honestly. They willingly expose themselves to emotional challenges but do so without compromising their credibility.   For example, as a leader, you do not want to say to your team, “I want to do this job, but it’s scary, and I don’t know how.”  That candor can backfire, and you can lose trust with people who want and need a confident leader.  Instead, you can say, “I may not have all the answers, but I want to enlist your support as we move forward together.  That approach creates team cohesion and invites the active participation of others.

2. Integrity. This is when your words are consistent with your deeds; otherwise, followers will never accept you as authentic.  Great leaders embody their beliefs and live them unfailingly.  As Ralph Waldo Emerson puts it, “what you do speaks so loudly, I can’t hear what you’re saying.” Words are superficial and prove who you want to be, while actions show who you are.

3. Be transparent and truthful.  As Dostoyevsky wisely observed, “Above all do not lie to yourself, the man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie, comes to a point where he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, so loses respect for himself and others.  And having no respect, he seizes to live.” People are more trusting when transparency and congruency of who you are on the inside are the same as how you portray yourself to the world; there is no secrecy or mystery.  When you operate with dishonesty, it can have a detrimental impact.  Nietzsche’s mentor, Ludwig Feuerbach said, “I would rather be a devil in alliance with the truth than an angel in alliance with falsehood.” Speaking truthfully allows for a more stress-free existence.

4. Self-awareness.  Authenticity begins with self-awareness: knowing who you are—your values, emotions, and competencies, as well as how others perceive them, are better equipped for success.  A study at the Center for Creative Leadership found that self-awareness is the primary quality that distinguishes successful leaders.  Moreover, research shows companies that employ professionals who exhibit high levels of self-awareness tend to perform better financially.  By looking inward and engaging in self-assessment, we can gain a deeper understanding of our emotions, beliefs, and strengths and improve our perception of those held by others. Regular reflection practice is important, whether through meditation, prayer, mindfulness, thinking, writing, or taking long walks to clear one’s head.  This allows us to step back from the whirlwind and set aside the preoccupation with task lists so the urgent does not take precedence over the important aspects of our lives.   Also, we can ensure alignment with our values and a deeper understanding of how we live our lives and engage with the world around us.  The more we know ourselves, the more authentic we can be.

5. Discipline.  Being an authentic leader requires more than just building self-awareness—we need to put it into practice, which requires discipline.  Making it a point to get feedback on our behaviors and being intentional about what we want to practice will help us.

6. Confidence and humility.  Having self-confidence and being comfortable in our skin are essential.  Knowing where we come from and who we are, and knowing how to use our backgrounds to build rapport with others. There is humility in connecting with all people.  Albert Einstein once said, “I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbageman or the university president.”  That statement reflects Einstein’s comfort with himself and his ability to be consistent in his various interactions.

7. Mission-driven & inspirational.  Knowing your deeply held crucibles and true north will help you stay on track so you can lead yourself authentically.  Similarly, a deep and abiding commitment to a company mission is integral to authentic leadership and business success.  According to a recent survey by EY and Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, 89% of executives said a sense of collective purpose drives employee engagement, and 84% said it leads to tremendous success in transformational efforts.  Some companies discover their mission early and others stumble upon it, but embracing a purpose will help with authenticity because it keeps you focused.  When you help your followers believe the mission is worthy, they will fight for you. 

6. Commitment to self-improvement.  To become more effective at motivating and guiding others, authentic leaders need to first focus on bettering themselves.  “Authentic leaders begin with the will and commitment within to work on themselves,” says Harvard Professor Nancy Koehn.  Abraham Maslow endorses the concept of individuals striving for self-actualization, which is becoming more complete by pursuing personal growth and peak experiences and realizing their potential. 

7. Balancing your internal understanding with your external feedback.  Leaders go on an inner journey of understanding who they are and what they believe and then matching that with their actions.  They also go on an outer trip, realizing that those actions have implications and will invite feedback from others.

We need a combination of listening to others’ opinions and having a strong enough understanding of who we are and what we want to be the final arbiters.  In Robert Keagan’s stages of adult development, self-authoring is about defining who we are, instead of listening to others’ descriptions of us.  We can distinguish the opinions of others from our thoughts and have an internal guide.  The next level of advancement is self-transforming - where your sense of self is not tied to a particular identity or role but is constantly created through exploration.  It is similar to the Buddhist concept of the evolving self.  In the words of E.E. Cummings “to be nobody but yourself in a world that is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else - means to fight the greatest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.”  When you do not trust a leader it’s because there’s a gap between what they espouse and what they do.

Authentic Leadership means different things to different people.  While there are some common denominators, it is more about showing up in a way that lives your values and makes a positive difference in the lives of others.

Quotes of the day: “You can only find out what you actually believe (rather than what you think you believe) by watching how you act.” - Jordan Peterson

“Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you. - Dr. Seuss

Q: What characteristics do you think are most important for developing your authenticity as a leader?  Comment and share with us, we would love to hear!

The next blog in this series 3/4 will focus on how to be an authentic leader. 

As a leadership development and executive coach, I work with leaders to explore what authentic leadership means to them and develop their style, contact me to explore this topic further.

Clear Expectations Are the Foundation for Remote Work Success (remote series 2/11)

Clear expectations can make or break a remote team.  Anytime there are changes to the work, or the context has shifted, there will always be an initial lack of clarity followed by unclear or unmet expectations.  This can cause a lot of stress as people are not realizing what they have to do and may even be duplicating efforts.  Clear expectations lead to greater confidence and trust in your work and less conflict, rework, wasted energy, and micromanagement; it is the fertile ground for successful remote work.

As a manager, you can do many things to create an incredible remote work environment for your team.   Here are some categories to cover for setting clear expectations:

1. Define the team.  If you’re starting a new team from the ground, or if you have inherited a team, be clear from the beginning about who is on the team and who is not, as well as the adjacent and dependent teams.  All good teams have a purpose and vision so there is alignment and a compelling reason to unite and rally around.  Additionally, you need to define the OKRs, goals, outcomes, tasks, the rationale for why the work matters, the big picture behind the work, and co-create team values that will guide the work.  When team members can answer why they are here to do what they do and the impact they will have, they will be more engaged. 

2. Define clear roles and responsibilities.  Now that you’ve all agreed on your team’s purpose and vision, ensure you are all on the same page regarding everybody’s roles and responsibilities.  For example, what specific tasks or perspectives do you expect each team member to contribute?  Because team members may not understand why they’ve been chosen, schedule a meeting to share why each member was named to the team, each person’s unique background and valuable skillset, and clarify each member’s role.  Share a game plan for how your team should interact with each other.  Creating a team charter can help bring organization and introspection to your team, especially when geographically dispersed, so they always know the direction and can remain on track with their high performance. 

3. Establish team norms or ways of working.  In different companies and cultures, routine processes often differ widely, which confuses team members.  How will you work together?  What are the ways you will interact with each other?  What are the values and behaviors that we all can expect?  Team leaders should establish norms and provide training for best practices such as meeting formats, use of technologies and communication, and processes for decision-making and conflict.

4. Set Communication Norms.  This is essential to make sure we are collaborating effectively and getting the work done.  What is your communication strategy to keep everybody connected and doing great work?  How many weekly formal or informal connections will you have?  What are the guidelines around daily needs?  How do team members set commitment-based deadlines so there is no need for follow-ups?  What kinds of digital tools will you use and for what purposes?  Teams often amass tools but no discussion on how those tools are used.  Sometimes zoom becomes the de facto for everything, even when sharing an update can better be done over email.  Remote working offers a great opportunity to co-create which tools will work best based on their purposes. 

You can develop a communication charter and gain agreement on how communication will happen, what kind of messages will be exchanged, and what channels will be utilized with examples and non-examples   After establishing those processes, you can gently remind the person who may be using the right tool in the right way based on the charter.  So much conflict happens due to unclear expectations around communication.   

Here is a list of tools with some possible purposes that might be helpful for your team for the communication component of the charter.

4A. Instant messenger.  Slack is a popular remote tool, especially for direct messaging.  This is best done for rapid communication and iteration without a glut of unwieldy threads like in email.  Some channels can be set up to relate to specific topics or projects.  There can also be non-work-related channels as a way to connect with others.  For example, you can have a water cooler challenge to learn about when it is people’s birthdays or what they did over the weekend. You can have a channel for introductions for when new teams join, and they can offer a video intro so you can quickly learn people’s stories.

4B. Email.  It can be used to provide more extensive information and have a record of the communication and share weekly updates or summaries of what everyone is working on to ensure alignment.  Most teams do not talk about the guidelines around emails.  For example, in the TO line will be those who need to respond, and in the CC line are those who need to be updated.  Instruct others not to reply all when it is not necessary, so it keeps people focused on their productivity unless there are important exceptions like a decision needs to be made and you want all voices included.  In that case, share that information and give them a window to weigh in before you move forward with the decision.  When an email chain gets too long, start by summarizing critical points before weighing in and creating a new thread when the topic has evolved with a different focus.   These may sound like trivial things, but being on the same page around communication norms and creating a frictionless experience will make the work much easier and faster.

4C. Video meetings.  Zoom is a popular tool for getting people together in real-time to discuss projects and have a back-and-forth to hash out details.  Other tools include Microsoft Team, Google Duo, and Webex.  In your charter, you can specify how and when you use video and the guidelines for success, such as when the cameras are on and the best ways to interact.  At GitHub, they do not have presentations in their meetings because they are only for interaction.  When a new team member tries to present, another team member jumps in to enforce the norm, and that’s how their meeting purpose remains intact.   If there is no discussion on these norms, you cannot expect people to be great team members.

4D. Phone calls.  If there are a few back and forth on instant messenger or emailing and still more to hash out, it can be best to jump on the phone to discuss the issue in real-time.

4E. Document hub.  Where do you store critical documents and project information?  Who is responsible for keeping that information organized and updated?  How can it be accessed outside the firewalls?  This allows people to quickly complete their work when there is a centralized location to get what they need.

4F. Define synchronous and asynchronous work.  Maybe you have organized your tools into broader categories of synchronous and asynchronous work based on the purpose.  For example, some teams will use asynchronous tools when work needs to be done in real-time such as brainstorming and problem-solving.  Using asynchronous work can be used for sharing info, giving status updates, adding ideas to a document, or chiming in on a proposal with a more extended deadline.  The advantage of this approach is that you can catch those people who either cannot attend a meeting or do not have an invite.  You can make it more inclusive and open it up to many voices to contribute their ideas and gain more visibility and possibly recognition.  It also leverages flexibility for times that best serve them depending on their energy levels and personal commitments.  The early risers can add comments at the beginning of the day when they do their best work, and the night owls can contribute at the end of the day for their ideal time. 

5. Define response time and deadlines.  What are the expectations around response times, should emails be answered within 24 hours or three days?  Should people respond when they have received a message by saying, “messaged received, thanks,” or is no response necessary to reduce clutter? How about the word quickly, what does it mean?  We could all have different ideas.  It could mean 2 hours, 1 day, within a couple of days, or sometime this week, depending on who is interpreting the message and their position in the company.  When you stay away from vague terms, it offers more clarity.  A great way to do that is to include deadlines, “please respond by tomorrow 5 pm est. so the client can have their answer in the morning as promised.” 

6. Define work availability and standard meeting hours.  For some, the work-from-home experience has blurred boundaries between personal and professional obligations, so as a manager, it is essential to discuss work schedules with each team member to respect their time.  If you know the morning time is for your family, and you will not be logging on until a specific time, share that upfront.  If you know you do your best work in the evening and will be sending emails after 11:00 pm or on weekends, share that just because you are sending a message that is convenient for you, your expectation is that they do not respond until their work hours.  These clear boundaries help maintain positive relationships and a healthy culture where people can comfortably focus on their work and not have to work around the clock, not have their performance measured by how quickly they respond, not get burned out, and not have to expend unnecessary energy thinking about their communication.  Clear boundaries can help teams work together better and especially overcome time zone differences.  For meetings, provide optimal times to overlap early and late time zones and have a predictable window.  If there is no convenient time, you can have a rotation system, one month that favors one coast and another month that favors the other.

Great teams can be set up to thrive when there are clear expectations on the ways of work, including a communication strategy.  It will enable people to spend more time on the work and less on figuring out the best approaches to navigate interpersonal dynamics.   As a leader, the best thing you can do for your people is to take the time to set this foundation for masterful work to be built.

Quote of the day: “Treat a person as they are, and they will remain as is. Treat a person as they can and should be, and they will become as they can and should be.”  -Author Stephen Covey 

Q:  How do you set clear and high expectations?   Comment and share below; we would love to hear from you!

The next blog in this series 3/11 will focus on building community remotely.

As a leadership development and executive coach, I work with leaders to create enjoyable remote work experiences for themselves and their teams, contact me to explore this topic further.

How do you set clear expectations?

Common Pitfalls To Avoid When Managing Up (Manage Up Series 6/6 )

The last article explored the type of leader you want to be while you are managing up.  This article will cover some approaches you might be tempted to take but are more helpful to avoid.

Let’s explore what not to do:

1. Don’t bad mouth your boss.  While your frustrations may be valid, you will lose credibility when you complain to others.   Plus, by talking poorly about your boss to your Direct Reports, you normalize that negative dynamic on your team and that gossip contributes to a toxic culture.  Be a proactive leader who aims to improve the situation and not just a complainer who passes responsibility onto others.

2. Don’t criticize publicly.  Do not aim to embarrass your boss in front of others.  Disagree with your boss privately and in a calm voice.  Your job is to make your boss look good and build credibility for them that will ultimately enhance your department, not to score points at their expense.

3. Do not cast blame.  Upper management is just as human as you and can make bad decisions.  Instead of blaming and focusing on the past, address the issue and be intentional about what you want to be different in the future to avoid this from happening again.

4. Do not share when angry.  When you operate from this place of anger and resentment, your reptile brain takes over and clouds your judgment from making smart and strategic choices.  Take a reset and aim to take time to see different perspectives and replace the anger with empathy.  Stephen Covey would urge, “seek first to understand then be understood.” Put yourself in your boss’ shoes.  What are their biggest challenges, and how would they like to be treated?  This perspective will enable you to make stronger decisions for the best win-win outcomes.

5. Do not assume your boss knows all the details.  You may know the ins and outs of your team and your work, but if your boss is overseeing a few teams and is in charge of 100+ people, it could be hard to have all the specifics at their fingertips.  Instead, if you could get good at communicating at the conceptual level and build stories around crucial points, your message will resonate more strongly.   

6. Do not take it personally.  Just because your boss has not adopted your solutions does not mean they dislike you.  The same movies can get glowing reviews by the New York Times and slammed by the LA Times due to their subjective nature.  If your boss denies your request to handle the budget even though you have overseen much bigger budgets previously, you may think it is a personal attack.  When you take a step back, do you notice that they operate like that with other people, not just you?   Zoom out to see the bigger picture before rushing to conclusions.

When all else fails, decide to make peace

If you feel like you have tried everything, that your manager is aware and not making any changes or getting better, that can be a stifling experience.  Many organizations still promote people because of their technical success rather than people management skills.  To compound the problem, many new managers receive little or no training before jumping into their new roles.  The main reason why people leave companies is because of their manager.  One sign that it might be time to make peace with the situation and exit is if your manager is harming your health.  A study by the American Psychological Association found that 75% of Americans say their “boss is the most stressful part of their workday.”  If you are experiencing mental unrest by losing sleep, having chronic stress, or spending more time thinking about your boss, it’s time to go.  If you are struggling emotionally and seeing your self-esteem plummet and determine it is a toxic environment, that’s an unmistakable sign that it’s time to move on to the next role or job.

Give yourself the permission to make a career change and fight your fear of quitting.  Some people might not have the option to have a gap in their work, but there is no need to suffer indefinitely.  You usually have more options than you initially realize, you can have informational interviews with your peers and aim to transfer internally to a better team, or line up a role outside the company.  When you make a change, be sure to capture the learnings and what you would do differently next time, so you do not recreate the circumstances you were escaping.  If nothing else, by managing up, you will learn what type of manager you want to be and what kind you want to avoid.

Getting good at managing up takes time.  While it can be tempting to react by blaming and criticizing to get short-term wins, it is more helpful to take a step back and play the long game by focusing on who you want to be as a leader regardless of the circumstances. 

Quote of the day: “We never know which lives we influence, or when, or why.” -Stephen King

Q:  What is one approach to managing up that you have taken that was an utter failure?  What would you do differently next time?  Comment and share below; we would love to hear from you!

As a leadership development and executive coach, I work with people to sharpen their managing up skills, contact me to explore this topic further.


How not to manage up

Your Leadership Style of Managing Up Matters (Manage Up Series 5/6)

Many things may be out of your control when managing up, but what is in your purview is the type of leader you want to be while aiming to make positive changes. In the book, Influence Without Authority, Dan Olsen talks about when communicating up, success depends on 60% substance and 40% style, so controlling your content and delivery will go a long way to achieving your outcome.

Here are some aspects to think about to manage up successfully:

1. Focus on what you can influence, and accept what you can’t.  It can be helpful to accept that sometimes we cannot change senior leadership, we can only change our behavior and be the leaders we wish we had.  Embrace the practices that you espouse.  For example, if you feel like your manager’s team purpose is non-existent and already pointed out that observation, you can offer your interpretation of the team’s purpose and operate on that view until otherwise told. 

2. Acknowledge their authority.  Ultimately, the person in power will probably make the final decision, so recognize that. You might say, “I know you’ll make the call here, would you be open to hearing some of my thoughts?”  This approach can show respect and offer a reminder of the choices available.  

3. Avoid judgments, share facts. When you express concerns, stay away from judgmental words such as “short-sighted” or “hasty” that might set off your manager and has the potential to be taken personally.  Sharing facts and examples will help you make your case much better.  For example, instead of saying, “I think that first-quarter deadline is naïve,” you can say, “We’ve tried four projects like this in the past, and we were able to do two in a similar time, but those were special circumstances.  What has changed or needs to change to deliver this work in the same time period?” You can call attention to the reality of the situation and be future-focused in thinking through how we can make this happen.

 4. Share disagreements humbly.  Even though your opinion might be well-informed and well-researched, it is still an opinion so talk tentatively where you leave room for the other person to weigh in.  Instead of saying “If we set an end-of-quarter deadline, we’ll never make it,” you might offer, “In my opinion, based on where we are now, I do not see how we will make that deadline.” You can also use phrases like, “I’m thinking aloud here.” This will leave room for dialogue, and it shows your curiosity about other perspectives.   You can even ask for permission to share your disagreements.  “I know we seem to be moving toward a first-quarter commitment here, I have reasons to think that it will not work. I’d like to lay out my reasoning.  Would that be OK?”  This gives the person choices and allows them to opt out.  You can further invite them to respond by asking them, “what might be missing from this assessment?”

5. Approach with inquiry.  If your manager has made a decision that has impacted your work, you can lead with open-ended questions such as, “I would love to understand the rationale for this decision, can you tell me what went into this?  Assumptions are counterproductive, share your thinking and genuinely seek to understand their perspective and what they are trying to get done.  It is helpful to assume positive intent because you only see one piece of the picture, meanwhile they have a more expansive view based on their leadership team meetings and discussions on what is coming down the pike.  They could also have stressors that you do not see or fully understand based on where you sit in the company.  

6. Pick your battles.  If it comes to stylistic differences, give your boss what they want.  If they prefer PowerPoint, but you prefer google slides, instead of spending energy arguing on small things, defer to their preferences.  Strive to win the big ones and not waste energy and psychological capital on the more minor points.

7. View your boss as your customer.  You may feel frustrated that you cannot get your job done because you are working on your boss’ items.  It is good to check in with yourself because your priority is your boss.’  How would your mindset be different if you saw your boss as your customer and you were working on satisfying their plans? 

8. Ask for their advice.  If you have determined that your boss has a “closed mind” about something, you can signal your openness by asking for their advice.  Adam Grant offers this example. “Let’s say you want your leader to take mental health seriously, you can use this phrasing, ‘I heard from many people that they are struggling with mental health, which can affect their well-being and I know you care about building a community here.  I want people to feel that they are cared about so I’m trying to think about how to do a better job supporting people, I’m not sure what to do next, but I know you are brilliant at getting things done and driving change.  Would you be willing to help with these cultural changes?’”  People like to feel included and genuine flattery can go a long way.  Plus, it is less threatening when you approach your comments not trying to make the person wrong and show that you have a superior way but are open to learning from the leader or co-creating something better together. You come across as an advocate and not an adversary.

Managing up involves both art and science to be successful.  You want to have the right content to share, as well as an effective delivery.  Using facts and inquiry, approaching disagreements humbly, and seeking true partnership can get you off to a great start.

Quote of the day: “One of the best ways to influence people is to make them feel important. Most people enjoy those rare moments when others make them feel important.  It is one of the deepest human desires.” -Roy T. Bennett.

Q:  What style do others use to manage up that you see as most effective?  Which is the least effective?  Comment and share below; we would love to hear from you!

[The next blog in this series 6/6 will focus on pitfalls to avoid when managing up]

As a leadership development and executive coach, I work with people to sharpen their managing up skills, contact me to explore this topic further.

What is your leadership style when managing up?

Common Scenarios Where Managing Up Is Needed (Manage Up Series 4/6 )

In the last article, we covered managing up to pitch a project.  This blog will focus on many other situations where managing up can come in handy.

Let’s jump into a few common scenarios and approaches for managing up:

1. If you receive additional work unaligned with the priorities.  If you have been given an assignment that you cannot see the value in or the connection to the bigger strategic vision, you can ask questions to get clarity.  How do you see this new idea fitting in with our current goals?  If we take on this new initiative, our capacity will be reduced, we may need to drop or delay another, in that case; which one would you be willing to deprioritize?  Depending on your boss’ style, if you think it is overloading to have them select from open-ended options, you can suggest one to deprioritize to make it easier.  If you prefer to delay, you can say, “Is this idea something we need to implement now, or could it be considered for the next quarter/year?  By laying out how pursuing a new idea will impact other priorities, you can help your boss assess what makes the most sense from a strategic perspective.

2. If you receive vague work.  You can take steps to elicit more thoughtful contributions by asking questions to prompt more critical thinking.  Tell me how you see that working?  What would you like the outcomes to be so we can get the best results possible?  What does success look like?  Are there examples of things you have seen that you like and want to include?  These prompts encourage the leader to expand on their ideas to add more definition to make your work easier.

3. If you disagree with your boss on a topic.  You can be forward-thinking and ask, how would you prefer me to handle this the next time this comes up?  If no answer is provided, you can offer your thought process of how you would handle it and invite your boss to comment on your plan so you can test to see that you are on the same wavelength and make the necessary adjustments. This way, you can create predictable and effective ways of working.

4. If your manager is acting as a bottleneck to your work.   If your work process is slowed because you are waiting on your boss’ approval for the next project, you can say, “I know hitting the deadline on this project is a priority for you, in order not to delay the release of this work, here are the two things I would need from you by this date.  Do you see any obstacles with that timeline?”  Let me know how I can make any adjustments to keep us on track with achieving this priority. 

5. If your manager is doing things that hurt their reputation.  You can say, “I don’t know if you’re intending to come off like this, but here’s how you’re being perceived, I have some thoughts on how I can help with that if you are interested.”  Most leaders want to hear this news especially if it is broached in a respectful and trusting manner.

6. If you suspect incompetence.  Try and diagnose the issue and figure out exactly how the incompetence shows up.  Do they lack experience?  Do they have poor emotional intelligence?  Is their decision-making shaky?  Do they not hold people accountable?  Is it incompetence or just a different approach?  If you can pinpoint and categorize the problem, you and your team can create targeted strategies to address the deficiency and better manage up. 

7. If your manager is micromanaging.  Learn to see if it is just happening with you or is common with other members.  Suppose it is prevalent and causing delays in getting the work done and negatively impacting the organization.  In that case, it is worth speaking up to make changes at a more systematic level rather than changing the style with just you.  You can share your understanding of the expectations and see if they are on the same page this way you can focus more on the outcomes rather than the activities and methods used to achieve those results.

8. If your role is ambiguous.  Be proactive.  Many Directs want their boss to define their job for them, but you are missing out on the opportunity to craft your job.  If you have the chance to create your scope and how it advances the mission and purpose, lay the first stake, and then ask what they would add.  You can say, “Here is what I think success looks like, what is your version, and what would you contribute”?  Here are the skillsets and capabilities I am honing for this job and my development plan, what else should I consider if my goal is to get to the Director level so I can set more of the creative strategic direction? Communicate what you need to be successful in terms of timely information, access, guidance, and resources.  You can use “If-Then Statements,” If I am going to do this, then I need these three things in place to be successful, how do you see this best working? 

9. If your one-on-ones are not useful.  Instead of merely providing status updates, include strategic issues. Suggest ideas on promoting your team for more visibility within your company or discuss process improvements.   Be sure you prepare an agenda to make the best use of your time together.  They will access your thoughtfulness and be more inclined to hear your suggestions.

10. If you feel like your manager is not giving you valuable feedback on your performance.  You can ask, what can I do or stop doing that would improve my performance?  What would make it easier for you to work with me?  Embrace the discomfort, after you ask that question, pause and do not be the next person to respond.  Listen with the intent to understand, not to respond.  You do not have to agree with the feedback, but it can be helpful to hear it.  Check for understanding by saying, “This is what I hear you saying, if I were to change x, y, and z, it would impact the team in a, b, or c ways?  What have I gotten right and what am I missing?” To ensure the alignment, you can even follow up with an email with the key takeaways and next steps.

11. If you are not getting feedback on a project.  If your boss always says, everything is great, go you.  You can say, can I get your advice on X, if you were driving my research, what would be top of mind for you?  Here is my goal for the next week or two to advance this project, I would love your guidance on whether I identified the right goals and how best to achieve them.  What obstacles should I be looking out for?  Annie McKee founder of Teleos Leadership Institute offers to say something like, “I want to do a good job and achieve my goals, and I need your help to do that.”  Be specific about what you want: their input on a particular piece of work, an introduction to another colleague, their permission to reach out to a client, etc.  If they cannot help, suggest an alternative and help them solve the problem, you can ask them if they can ask one of your peers for input or an introduction.  When you change your questions, you can more likely change the responses you are getting.

12. If you want your manager’s feedback on your overall development. You can share what you are doing to work on your growth goals, “What I am struggling with personally is how to make sure all people have a voice in the room and are heard, sometimes I get excited, and that enthusiasm makes it hard for others to get their voice in.  I want to run a flip meeting where I listen instead of sharing.  Do you think people would like that, or would it be a deer in headlights situation?  What suggestions do you have to ensure this is done well or that I succeed?”  You make it much easier for your leader to weigh in on areas that matter to you when you through out a statement or idea in which to react.

13. Take time to signal what works for you.  When you share with your leader what they do well or what works for you, you set them up to repeat that behavior.  For example, you might say, “I really liked when you made that email introduction, it made my work go so much faster, and I would welcome additional opportunities like that to advance future work.”  Formulating clarity in your requests will yield much better results.

Learning the skill of managing up in a variety of situations is critical to maintaining a great relationship with your boss and in the advancement of the goals of the organization. It is a muscle that we can all build with the right intention.

Quote of the day:  “Request, don't complain. Inside every complaint is a request. Find it and make it.” -Mary Abbajay, 

Q:  What is the hardest situation for you to manage up?  What makes it so hard? Comment and share below; we would love to hear from you!

[The next blog in this series 5/6 will focus on your style of managing up]

As a leadership development and executive coach, I work with people to sharpen their managing up skills, contact me to explore this topic further.


The Art of Managing Up

Approaches to managing up for a project (Manage Up Series 3/6 )

How often have you had a great idea that you wanted to pitch to your manager but pulled the plug because you believed it would get rejected?  Perhaps your idea could have brought massive benefits to the team and the organization, but you were convinced that your boss would miss the value.  Great managers provide forums for you to share and disagree.  But we do not always get to choose the people we work for.  When we can strengthen our skills of managing up, we can better lead for impact.

To increase your effectiveness in pitching a project, here are aspects to consider:

1. Bring a first draft plan and co-create.  When you are pitching a project idea, talk about the challenge being addressed, possible solutions, pros and cons of each, your recommendation, and how that solution ties into the bigger picture and the company goals and vision.  Co-create by asking your boss what they would add to your idea to improve its value.  If you are sensing they are opposed to it, you can ask – do you see any reasons why this may not work?  You can ask for their biggest objections they or another might have and if those were addressed, do they see any reason why the project should not go forward then?

2. Tackle the costs head on.  Having a handle on the costs will help you anticipate their possible rejections and prepare for them.  If you do not share them, they will likely be presented for you, instead, you can say, “here are the costs, and here is why I see them worth the benefit.”  Every organization has limited resources, time, and energy; accepting your idea may mean the rejection of another idea that someone else believes is wonderful so having that broader view will be important to making your case.

3. Share potential risks.  When you can brainstorm and analyze potential risks for new projects, categorize whether it is high or low, and share your analysis, you show your boss that you are thinking strategically, especially when you include recommended risk mitigation strategies and backup plans.  They will know that you put in considerable thought and will be more receptive to hearing your approach.   

4. Depict the positive impact beyond your team.  When presenting an idea, be sure to tie it to a positive impact.  Peter Drucker said, “ideas that make no positive impact are meaningless data.”  You are a small piece in the mosaic that your boss is weaving.  When influencing up, focus on the impact of the decision on the overall corporation.  In most cases, the needs of the department are clearly aligned with the company directly, and in other cases, this connection is not so obvious.  Be clear on making that link and do not assume it is automatically seen. Your best wins will relate to a larger goal and not just be about achieving your objectives because if your boss is helping just you, they may be disadvantaging another teammate and the resources they may need. 

5. Show success examples.  Point to examples used by other teams and how you mimic those efforts and processes for the best results.  You can even factor in the customizations you have made to better fit with the intricacies of your team.

6. Reduce workload.  The best recommendations take work off people’s plates.  If you happen to put work on, what can you do to minimize it?  Can you own the scheduling and logistics or volunteer to present the work at the meeting? How can you make it easy for your boss to say yes and show that it will not add extensive work?

There is an art to managing up.  When you can utilize critical thinking skills in presenting your idea, explaining pros and cons, and offering your recommendation, you make it easy for your manager to join you as a collaborative partner to endorse your project. 

Quote of the day: “Real control is influencing someone to the point that [they] believe [their] choices are [their] own.” – G.R. Morris

Q:  How do you pitch your projects for the greatest success?  What has worked and what hasn’t? Comment and share below, we would love to hear from you!

[The next blog in this series 4/6 will focus on numerous managing up scenarios and the best approaches to take]

As a leadership development and executive coach, I work with people to sharpen their managing up skills, contact me to explore this topic further. 

What works for you in managing up?

We All Need to Manage Up (Manage Up Series 1/6)

It is quite common to have a different perspective from our managers and want to find effective ways to speak up to alter outcomes.  Toeing the line between skillfully influencing regardless of your position and not overstepping in a way that disrespects your leader and damages your reputation can be tricky. When we can hone the skill of managing up, we can make a positive difference in our teams and in our organizations.

Harvard Business School Professor John Kotter defines managing up as the process of consciously working with your superior to obtain the best possible results for you, your boss, and the company.  It is a way of customizing your work style to best suit your managers for optimum collective success.  It can also refer to your tactics to build a strong relationship with your boss to make work easier.  Sue Shellenbarger in the Wall Street Journal writes, "Managing up, or building smooth, productive relationships with higher-ups, requires understanding and adapting to your boss’s communication and decision-making style.”  Clearly, the approach you take to manage up matters.

Mastering this skill has copious benefits.  You can effectively shape the agenda by better advocating for what you want, asking for resources, and promoting your team’s successes.  The organization benefits as well.  When you have a strong relationship with your manager and know a good method to be heard, you can achieve more win-wins.  Instead of contributing to a culture of silence where people do not voice their views, you can create a conduit for great ideas to see the light of day.  Organizations want people who can vigorously campaign on behalf of their team with excellent intentions to impact productivity, morale, and retention positively.

Choosing when to speak up is not always easy and straightforward.  Here are some situations that could be helpful to chime in:

1. When it is at the cost of the company’s mission and integrity.  If something is happening that is damaging the company’s reputation internally or externally, it can be essential to get involved.  If you know that corners are being cut and there is a negative impact on customers or other stakeholders, your manager will want to know this.

2. When your motives are genuine.  If you have already checked in with yourself and ruled out jealousy or other less envious motives, and it is really about the benefit to the team, organization, or stakeholders, it is a good time to manage up to share constructive concerns collaboratively.

3. When you have established trust and credibility.  When you have shown yourself to be a dependable person that delivers consistent, timely, and excellent quality work, you will be in a good position to manage up.  If you are not a model of what you seek, your message will be harder to convey and be heard. This reminds me of Jordan Peterson’s rule 6: set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world.  While I disagree with the word perfect, the underlining sentiment of being an example of what you are trying to change is powerful.   Nobody wants to listen to somebody who cannot do the thing they are advocating.

4. When there are massive communication gaps.  You may have assumptions that your boss has a view of you that is inaccurate.  You may want to check in, clear the air, and frame the perception that more precisely depicts who you are instead of them filling in the gaps so you can speak up and align on a shared reality. I had a client who was working on a massive project, culminating in a pivotal stakeholder meeting where a decision had to be made. When the boss viewed the invite list, she said the list looked random and did not understand why some attendees were present.  My client wanted to take a moment to zoom out and inform her leader of the broader picture, that she had been talking to all those stakeholders regularly and had an excellent explanation for each person’s attendance.  Having that conversation to loop her boss in was essential because while they may have initially thought my client was careless in their selection, they were, in fact, deliberate. 

5. When it is for the leader’s benefit.  Business management expert Patrick Lencioni advocates managing up to benefit the leader.  He said, “do not expect that the manager is leading exactly the way they want.”  He shared a story of when a direct report came to him as a great example of managing up.  Lencioni promoted somebody who was not team-oriented, which violated one of the company values.  So, the direct report went to Lencioni and said, I know you have a lot on your plate, but I noticed an inconsistency that I wanted to share and learn more about the reasoning behind the decision. You talk about teamwork being important but just promoted the least teamwork-focused person, so I think to address the disconnection, we either should change what we believe or move him to another place where he would be a better fit.  Lencioni shared that he was happy to have that blind spot bought to his attention and believed that if you only hear about frustrations when your team hands you a resignation letter, it is unfair because it does not give the leader a chance to course correct.  

Another client of mine had a similar situation speaking up regarding their boss’ blind spot.  The boss would think out loud at meetings and share fleeting comments to the team about possibly doing more research.  Some team members would interpret those passing thoughts as requests, and a couple of people would work on the same project and waste time and resources.  Others would view those thoughts as just verballing processing and would not do anything and the boss would wonder why no action was taken.  So, my client shared this observation with their boss, “I noticed this phenomenon happening where your verbal brainstorming is creating confusion and might be wasting time, I’m wondering what if, at the end of a meeting, we share one thing to investigate and one person to do that so there is clarity and no overlap?  How would that work for you, or what would you add to reduce the confusion?”  Before sharing your idea, you can even invite your boss to share possible solutions before you offer yours.  This is a great topic to manage up because you are proposing a process change to improve the business and inviting a co-creating experience.

When NOT to manage up:

1. Personality difference with no business benefit.  If you simply do not like your manager’s style and changing it would make your life easier but have no positive impact on the business or other team members, then it is misusing the spirit of managing up.  For example, if you want your manager to be more optimistic and less realistic because that is your preference, you may be unable to change that.  It is good to ask yourself, how is my request impacting the business other than it’s annoying me?  If their approach is leading to hours wasted, unnecessary confusion, and a lack of direction for you and the team, that’s different.  Tapping into the bigger reason we are here and how we can align to make the business successful is a good guide to managing up.

2. You think you can be leading better.  You may believe you can do the job better than your manager, many of us feel that way from time to time and that can be ok, but when you take action to undermine your boss or try to win or be right at your boss’s expense, that is crossing the line.  To be successful at your job, it is helpful to support your leader publicly and make them look good rather than asserting your will.  And if you believe you can do a better job, great, do your best to get promoted based on the quality of your work and your integrity and when you get that promotion, you will get a chance to lead in the way you want, and your direct reports will follow you based on your style and the benefits that you deliver.

When you can learn the skill of managing up, it will make you a more effective contributor.  The best indicator of managing up is when there is a triple win – you win, your manager/team wins, and the company wins. 

Quote of the day: “Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing.” – Albert Schweitzer. 

Q:  When was the last time you had to manage up?  What worked that you would want to repeat?  Comment and share below; we would love to hear from you!

The next blog in this series 2/6 will focus on helpful prework to do to manage up.

As a leadership development and executive coach, I work with people to sharpen their managing up skills, contact me to explore this topic further.

How do you manage up?

What stage is your team in? ( Team Composition Series 3/3)

Teams go through different phases and stages.  Dr. Bruce Tuckman published his 4-stage model in 1965 – Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing and added a fifth stage, Adjourning in the 1970s. The theory explains the predictable and evolving formative periods most teams experience.  As a leader, your job is to recognize what stage your team is at and think about the right interventions to move them along the team development continuum to reach peak performance and achieve more than they thought possible.  

Let’s jump into Tuckman’s five stages:

Stage 1: Forming.  When a team first assembles, there can be excitement, they may not be sure how things will turn out but some know it can be a great experience.  People spend time getting to know each other and understanding each other’s best attributes.  Respect is granted where you listen to others and share your thoughts, some may offer some goodwill and trust.

There should be a high dependence on the leader for guidance and direction during this phase.  Instead of being reactive to problems that come your way, the leader has the responsibility to be proactive and help their team think about what systems and processes are needed to build a foundation for their best performance.   

Here are some crucial questions the leader should reflect on and be able to answer to some degree before getting input from the team and co-creating the collective culture and structure:

·      What is the team’s purpose?  Why are we here and what are we meant to do? What is the vision that inspires people to jump out of bed every day to partake? What have our stakeholders commissioned us to do? What value are we depositing into the world?

·      What are the team goals, objectives, and KPIs? How can we turn the purpose and vision into a quarterly roadmap?

·      What are everybody’s roles and responsibilities, and how can we best contribute?  How can we share that information so everybody knows other people’s job descriptions and so they know who to turn to for assistance?

·      What are the expectations and agreements that will govern our best work?  What are the ways to weigh in and offer best practices and processes to enhance communication and coordination? How do we want to create psychological safety so we can take risks and reach peak innovation? You can lay out the best way to handle conflict and the process for decision-making get feedback and collectively agree on what would be best for the team.

·      What are the style differences?   How can we improve our understanding of individual preferences, strengths, and weaknesses, and increase our knowledge of working with different types of people?  This one does not need to be fully developed and can unfold as the team moves through the stages.

Stage 2: Storming.  In this phase, team members begin to show their entire colors, and conflict typically arises as there are clashes between work styles, beliefs, values, relationships, and personalities.  Decision-making is more complicated as people become more comfortable challenging each other and the leader.  As team members vie for positions to establish themselves in relation to other team members, they second guess coworkers and wonder, "I thought I trusted you, but now I'm not so sure."  If progress is not being made, they have more questions and concerns, assert their opinions and compete for power and attention.  If the team is too big, subgroups and cliques form, and there may be power struggles and blaming of others.   If not handled well, many teams do not move beyond this stage; they stay underperforming, and it turns out to be a relatively disappointing experience.

Leaders can play an essential role in pushing the team forward.  They can normalize conflict and seek to resolve it productively instead of shying away from it.   For example, when a co-worker says or does something that's not aligned with the team culture, step in and ask them to explain their approach and how it matches with the team’s purpose or culture.  You can revisit the original agreements about having an open and safe forum to exchange and pressure test ideas, even if not in alignment with others. Leaders can then allow team members the space to express different opinions and “clear the air.”  If you do not put ideas on the table, you cannot do anything about them.  They can establish and reinforce processes for effective communication, efficient meetings, solving team issues, and building trust to get teams to see that solving these interpersonal challenges is worth the investment.  Leaders can coach members to take ownership of the success of the team and help them design the changes they want to see. Leaders can ask how each member wants to be a resource for others’ development.  They can reconfirm the vision and get people excited to focus on critical collective goals where the intensity of the emotional and relationship issues is overshadowed by something way more meaningful that will have a substantial impact.

Stage 3: Norming.  When you understand that conflicts can arise and resolve issues amicably, you get rewarded with a genuinely healthy working relationship in the norming stage.  Roles and responsibilities are clear, accepted, and appreciated.  The team builds on processes and understands effective working styles.  Big decisions are made by group consensus or another more effective method agreed upon by the group. More minor decisions may be delegated to individuals or small, self-organizing teams within the larger group as responsibility and ownership are distributed.  There is a rhythm of addressing issues and appreciating differences and strengths as people work toward a common goal.  The impact is that morale and productivity increase, trust builds, commitment and unity strengthen and care for each other, and the work grows.  There is general respect for each other and the leader.  The team may engage in fun social activities and people are generally set up to do the work that everybody agreed upon.

Leaders can create success in this stage by empowering behaviors that allow people to be on the same page, giving and receiving feedback for development, sharing leadership responsibilities, and managing change collaboratively.  At this stage, groupthink can seep in; there could be the temptation that members could feel that they need to get along to go along because there is the fear of going back to the conflict stage when things were not fabulous.  The leader can be on the lookout for this unhelpful development and invoke processes to draw out multiple perspectives and normalize productive disagreement, leverage the strengths of each, take quick action, settle conflicts, and maintain a positive, productive climate.

Stage 4: Performing.  This is an incredible work experience where you are thriving on multiple levels producing excellent results, and having great relationships; it is a 1 + 1 = 3 type of equation; it's an intoxicating feeling.  The team is more strategically aware; knows clearly why it is doing what it is doing.  They have a high degree of autonomy as they go after the shared vision; they tend to overachieve and collaboratively make decisions with the leader.  Even with a high degree of freedom, they know they can depend on each other at any point.  Disagreements are resolved within the team positively, and necessary changes to processes and structures are made by the team regularly to serve the evolving needs best. They are comfortable asking for help and offering it because it is about the team-first approach, and there is a level of safety where people can bring their authentic selves, both their successes and struggles.

A leader can foster this successful stage by allowing even more flexibility in team roles, so people feel like they are being challenged. Leaders can create future leadership opportunities, offer development and support to help people achieve their career aspirations.  Leaders can leverage the learning and spark additional team creativity to attain new heights as they collectively advance. Leaders can also pay attention to momentum building and stalling moments. Daniel Pink also offers some interesting research about midpoints, which is the phenomenon of how teams tend to lose steam mid-project.  With this knowledge, leaders can offer galvanizing interventions to work with this dynamic to keep the momentum unbroken.

Stage 5: Adjourning.  This was added by Tuckman two years after his initial research.  Adjourning is the team’s break-up, hopefully when the task is completed successfully, its purpose fulfilled; everyone can move on to new things, feeling good about what's been achieved and ready to contribute elevated skills to their next body of work.  From an organizational perspective, recognition of and sensitivity to people's vulnerabilities is helpful, particularly if members have been closely bonded and feel a sense of insecurity or threat from this change.

Leaders can mark the occasion and adequately reflect on all the excellent work capturing each person’s contributions and making them feel proud for being a part of a memorable experience.  They can create hope for the future that they have skills and abilities and effective work practices that they can transfer to their next project.

 As a leader joining a new team, it is useful to find out what stage your team is in because if you enter their high-performing stage and treat them like they are in the forming or storming stage, they will be unhappy. It’s helpful to begin with a lot of listening and observation so you can spot where they are.  You can ask questions such as - what’s happening on the team, where is everybody, what are the best aspects of this team that you want to leverage going forward, what tweaks would you like to make, if any, to do even better work, how can I be most helpful to advance the team?  Instead of thinking you have the right diagnosis, they can tell you what they want without knowing the details and history.  Once having a deeper understanding, you can co-create the work together so all parties have a stake.

These five stages can progress and regress depending on team makeup, leadership, and client work changes.  When that happens, it is helpful to revisit the forming stage, even briefly, so you can put together a clear roadmap that will add eventual speed to the process. Knowing where your team is and how to support them will allow them to do their best work.

Quotes of the day:  Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is a success." – Henry Ford

Q: What stage is your team in?  As a leader, how would you like to support your team?  As a team member, how would you like to contribute? Comment and share with us; we would love to hear!

 As a Leadership and Team Coach, I partner with leaders and teams to cultivate a flourishing team culture, contact me to learn more.

Bruce Tuckman’s Team Model