Discovering Your Purpose for Greater Impact (Leadership Brand Series 2/4)

Purpose is the reason you wake up every morning with energy and motivation. It goes beyond daily tasks or achievements and taps into something deeper—your unique contribution to the world. Just as companies like Nike, Google, and Amazon have clear, guiding purposes—like inspiring athletes, making information accessible, and providing books in an instant—leaders also need a purpose that acts as their "north star." 

A well-defined purpose gives leaders clarity, focus, and resilience, especially when facing the unknown. Knowing your “why” not only enriches your life but also strengthens your impact as a leader, offering direction to navigate both personal and professional challenges.

Purpose Beyond Profit: Why Leaders Need a "Why"

Purpose shapes not only what you do but also how you do it. When you lead with purpose, you bring authenticity, passion, and consistency to your role. Simon Sinek’s “Start with Why” concept emphasizes that purpose is not simply a pathway to success; it’s what draws people to you and keeps them committed. People follow leaders who know why they lead, inspire, and create meaning.

A purpose-driven leader asks: Why should people follow me? Why should they stay engaged and motivated? When your actions consistently reflect your purpose, you foster trust, loyalty, and a shared commitment to something larger than individual tasks or goals.

Finding Purpose

1. The Ikigai Approach.  The Japanese concept of Ikigai—a reason for being—offers a framework for finding purpose. Ikigai resides at the intersection of four spheres:

  • What you love

  • What you’re good at

  • What the world needs

  • What you can be paid for

Ikigai reminds us that purpose is more than a passion; it’s a balanced pursuit that incorporates skill, relevance, and contribution to the broader world. By aligning these four areas, you can find a fulfilling and sustainable purpose. For example, a leader who loves mentoring, is skilled at developing others, and understands the importance of building future leaders may find their purpose in guiding team members toward their highest potential.  You can use this framework to identify your purpose. This exercise can clarify the unique intersection where your passion, skill, and contribution come together, offering a roadmap to purpose-driven leadership.

2. The Mastery Approach.  Cal Newport’s So Good They Can’t Ignore argues that purpose often emerges from mastery. While passion is valuable, building rare and valuable skills can create a sense of purpose. Purpose isn’t always discovered overnight—it’s crafted through dedication, skill development, and a commitment to making a meaningful impact. By focusing on becoming exceptionally skilled in areas that matter, you lay the foundation for a purpose rooted in value and contribution. Taking time to develop rare and valuable skills can help uncover your purpose, as these competencies will strengthen your sense of impact and open new opportunities for meaningful contributions.

3. Reflect on Your “Why.” Begin by asking why you do what you do. What impact do you want to create? Reflect on moments when you felt most fulfilled and effective in your role. Identifying these experiences can reveal insights about your purpose. 

Benefits of a Purpose-Driven Leadership Approach

1. Clarity in Decision-Making.  Purpose acts as a compass, making it easier to identify priorities and stay aligned with long-term goals. Leaders who know their purpose are less likely to be swayed by distractions or quick fixes; instead, they make deliberate, impactful choices. As Lewis Carroll said, “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.” With purpose, leaders can confidently say “yes” to decisions that align and “no” to those that don’t.

2. Focus and Resilience.  A clear sense of purpose provides strength during challenging times. Knowing your purpose helps you maintain focus, even when circumstances are difficult or outcomes are uncertain. This clarity reduces stress, allowing you to navigate obstacles with resilience and determination, ultimately benefiting you and those you lead. 

3. Enhanced Engagement and Impact.  Purpose-driven leaders inspire others to give their best because their actions reflect genuine commitment. Simon Sinek’s research has shown that people who enjoy going to work are more productive and creative and more positive in their interactions with colleagues and clients. When leaders operate purposefully, they create a workplace environment where others can find meaning and fulfillment.

4. Confidence and Authenticity.  Purpose gives leaders an internal boost of confidence. When you know what drives you, you bring authenticity to your leadership, creating a positive impact that resonates with others. Purpose-oriented decisions feel aligned with who you are, allowing you to act assertively without aggression or passivity. This balance encourages others to trust and respect your leadership.

Purpose is the anchor that brings joy and fulfillment to everyday life, creating a leadership brand that’s both inspiring and impactful. Defining and living by your purpose isn’t a destination; it’s a journey that guides your actions, fuels your motivation, and enriches the lives of those you lead. Finding your purpose may take time and reflection, but the journey is worth it.

Reflection Question: “What is your “why” as a leader, and how can you begin to live that purpose more fully today?  Comment and share below; we’d love to hear from you!

Quote: "The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well." — Ralph Waldo Emerson

The next blog in this series 3/4 will focus on having vision. 

As a leadership development and executive coach, I work with leaders to develop their leadership brand, contact me to explore this topic further.

What’s your purpose?

The Self-Awareness Gap: Are You As Insightful As You Think? (Self-awareness series 1/3)

Self-awareness is one of the most underrated yet foundational skills necessary to navigate complexity and achieve success. Despite its importance, Author Tasha Eurich in Insight asserts about 95% of people believe they are self-aware, but only 10-15% are, meaning around 80% are deceiving themselves.

The concept of self-awareness is not new.  Socrates exhorted us to "know thyself" as a reminder to reflect on our life’s mission and strategies to attain it.  Similarly, Confucius urged individuals to reflect on their values, followed by action steps to implement those values in interpersonal settings.

Components of Self-Awareness

1 Internal Self-Awareness involves understanding who we are, what is important to us, and recognizing our abilities.  It can be broken down into additional elements:  

·      1A. Desires and motives.  Do we know what drives us when we are really honest with ourselves?  We may often think it is one thing, the aspirational movies (e.g., having an impact), and share that with others, but in reality, it could be something else or something in addition that we conceal (like status, power, belonging, or money).

·      1B. Strengths, weaknesses, and capabilities.  Do we fully understand our abilities and articulate them clearly? Are we aware of our strengths and leverage them to achieve desired results?  Do we know our weaknesses and have a plan to address them?

A relevant story involves a businessman seeking help from a guru. The businessman frequently interrupts the monk, so the monk fills the businessman’s cup of water and lets it overflow. The businessman reacts angrily, calling the monk crazy. The monk explains that the overflowing cup represents the businessman’s mind, which is full of information, preventing him from listening.  This illustrates a weakness the businessman may not have been aware of - his propensity to talk rather than listen, hindering his ability to receive wise counsel.

·      1C. Recognizing, understanding, and managing emotions.  Can we accurately perceive our emotions in the moment, distinguishing between being frustrated, disappointed, or betrayed?  Do we understand the causes of these emotions and how they drive our behaviors?  Are we in command of our emotions, choosing our behaviors rather than operating on autopilot and ruminating about past events that leave us powerless? Aristotle emphasized emotional skillfulness, such as having agency in motivating oneself, delaying gratification, and controlling urges to act, and that begins with self-awareness.

2. External awareness – involves your assessment of others and how they perceive you.

·      2A. Assessment of others.  How good are we at reading the room?  Do we have the social competence to understand others’ moods, behaviors, and motives? You may read somebody as being an excellent team player for 1-2 things you noticed have done to help the teams, but really the consensus is that this person is way more self-serving, and only when you are around, they act as a team player.  The team dislikes working with this person because they take credit and share none.   Accurate assessments of others involve recognizing the difference between the golden rule (treat others the way you want to be treated) and the platinum rule (treat others the way they want to be treated).

·      2B. Awareness of how others perceive you and your impact on others.  Are we aware of how others see us and our impact on them?  For example, you might think you're good at running meetings, but others may feel you monopolize conversations and your meetings are not inclusive.  Because Adam Grant was aware of his high agreeableness on the Big Five personality spectrum, he realized he needed to balance this by being more challenging when appropriate.  Instead of just nodding and smiling when students made any comments, he would have a neutral expression, especially if what they were sharing was not correct.  He asked his students if they were comfortable being challenged, showing great self-awareness in understanding how his natural tendencies impacted others.

Self-awareness is vital for personal and professional success. Understanding ourselves and how others perceive us enables us to navigate life’s complexities more effectively.  Embrace the journey of self-awareness for continuous improvement and greater fulfillment.

Quote of the day: “People overestimate what they can do one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.”  -Bill Gates

Question: How aware are you?  How do you know? Comment and share your experiences below; we’d love to hear.

The next blog in this series 2/3 will focus on the challenges and benefits of self-awareness.

As a leadership development and executive coach, I work with leaders to raise their awareness to increase their performance, contact me to explore this topic further.

How Self-Aware Are You?