Top 5 Reasons To Say Yes

In the last article, we discussed reasons to say no, even when it is most difficult, and offered a few examples on how best to phrase it.  But, when is it ok to say yes or even hell yeah!?

 Here Are The Top 5 Reasons To Say Yes:

1. If it is an opportunity that directly aligns with your goals, it can be an easy yes.  The sooner you can connect to your mission, the happier you will be in all aspects of your life.

2. When it is a project that stirs up ecstasy within you. Entrepreneur and Author Derek Sivers’ motto when considering a request is to avoid saying yes to projects he is sort of interested in; it’s either hell yeah or no, nothing in between and that makes the decision-making process so much easier for him.  Doing something out of obligation is an immediate no.  Instead, he has to be completely entranced by the project to commit.

3. When you are aiming to build your skills and you know it is a project that will stretch you, say yes.  What I have found is that the more experiences we have, the more diverse the perspectives we accumulate, and it is precisely this type of cross-pollination of ideas that fuel innovation and leads to significant personal growth.

 4. Say yes to things that scare you because the best way to eradicate the fear is to do the very thing that frightens you.  Sure, the thought of giving a big speech in front of your company may cause the nerves to rattle.  But, just saying yes, even when you are unsure about the likelihood of pulling it off, generates a surge of confidence that becomes critical to conquering that very fear.  I find that most things seem hard initially, but when you jump into it and apply hard work, discipline, resourcefulness, and a learning mindset, even mountains become molehills.

5. It has a unique and altruistic impact on others.  If you have the power to make a small gesture, which will not consume all of your time, in order to have a massive effect on others, go for it!  Service to others is the highest calling and will create an avalanche of positive benefits for all involved.  

 Quote of the day: "Opportunities multiply as they are seized." -Sun Tzu. 

Q: What is something you said yes to that was initially terrifying, but later it turned out to be an incredible decision?  Comment and share with us, we would love to hear!

Saying yes when you really want to feels great

Saying yes when you really want to feels great