Start Small, Go Big

How often are you tasked with a hefty assignment or struck with a grand vision, yet the starting point continues to elude you? Maybe, nerves are stalling you and creating an influx of debilitating thoughts of whether or not you will do a good job.  Often, the culprit is just a general lack of direction – not knowing how or where to begin, accompanied by an overwhelming feeling of simply needing to do too much.

 Whatever the reason, all equally harrowing, the key to getting started is simply just that, sit down and begin. 

 Here are some tips that I have used to help me ignite my start:

 1. Break down your idea or project into reasonable bites.  As Mark Twain noted, "the secret to getting ahead is getting started, the secret to getting started is breaking your complex, overwhelming tasks into small, manageable tasks and then starting on the first one."

 2. Ask for help. 90% of the questions you have which are causing you to worry have simple solutions that you begin to unearth once you start asking people.  Having knowledge of how to get something done is empowering and energizes you to take on the task(s) at hand.

 3. If you need to write, take action and begin at any part and with any word.  More often than not, the body of work that oozes out, will stun you – well beyond your initial expectation.

Believe in the power of smalls steps.  Author Margaret Meade did when she proffered, “never doubt that small things could change the world.”

 Q: What’s your first go-to step in completing a project?  Comment and share below.


The power of taking small steps

The power of taking small steps

This blog is designed to showcase researched-based success principles coupled with my interpretations and practical applications to help you reach your greatest potential and unlock leadership excellence.