What are you doing to stand out in your profession?

What if I told you that no matter how good you are at what you do today, your knowledge and skills are destined for obsolesce.   In fact, continuous learning as a minimum requirement is the only guaranteed inoculation against this outcome, and what sets you apart as a leader. 

So, how does one become an expert in your domain? According to Brian Tracy in the book Eat That Frog, he purports that there are three steps to mastery in your field:

1. Set aside an hour daily to read industry-relevant materials.  The typical CEO reads four or five books per month.  According to the Huffington Post, when Warren Buffett was once asked about the key to success, he pointed to a stack of nearby books and said, “I read 500 pages like this every day. That’s how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest.”  He currently devotes about 80% of each day to reading.

2. Take courses and seminars on the key skills that can help you progress. Does your manager encourage you to go to conferences?  Go!  Does your job pay for an advanced degree? Take it! Even in his twilight years, motivational speaker and author Zig Ziglar remained dedicated to learning and continued growth; it was not uncommon to find him diligently taking notes at professional development conferences.

3. Listen to audio programs during your commute. The average car owner sits behind the wheel 500 to 1,000 hours and the average round trip for NYC jobs is about 55 minutes.  You can turn that dreaded traveling time into learning hour with audible and gain access to a large selection of books.  When you can transform the routine into the riveting, suddenly commuting is not so bad, dare I say, exciting because you get to have dedicated time for your development.

4. Apply your learning. For maximum understanding, be sure to take action on your education. Write about your discoveries so you can gain greater clarity, have conversations about what you are reading so you can integrate the material, or teach/present the new concepts so the information becomes easily retrievable. If you have just finished reading a book on negotiation, what is one technique that you can practice immediately in your social or professional circles? The most profound learning comes in the action.

For tips on learning, check out one of the most popular Coursera classes of all time, “Learning How to Learn.”

Quote of the day: “Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and diligence.” -Abigail Adams

Q: What is one way you stay at the forefront of your profession?  Comment and share below.

A life of learning is a purposeful one

A life of learning is a purposeful one

This blog is designed to showcase researched-based success principles coupled with my interpretations and practical applications to help you reach your greatest potential and unlock leadership excellence.